Graham McGregor: Two magic words that boost sales and delight clients
I'm a big fan of simple marketing strategies that are easy to use and produce a noticeable impact on your sales results when you use
I'm a big fan of simple marketing strategies that are easy to use and produce a noticeable impact on your sales results when you use
COMMENT: The new rate of NZ Super gets us thinking about our future gap to fill, writes Tom Hartmann.
COMMENT: If you want more sales, do these six things, writes Debbie Mayo-Smith.
COMMENT: The dollar is not coming to the rescue of struggling dairy farmers. It's coming to the rescue of retailers, motorists, gourmet food importers.
COMMENT: How do New Zealanders get richer? It seems an obvious question, but it's one we seem to be ignoring, writes Bernard Hickey.
COMMENT: Even on a modest budget, a life of leisure in Thailand offers great weather, fabulous food and adventure.
COMMENT: Lenders' rise to dominance one of key developments of past decades, writes Brian Gaynor.
COMMENT: Low-interest or no-interest loans from community groups give poor people a helping hand out of debt, or to start a business.
COMMENT: It's interesting how often the most tantalising insights are tucked away at the bottom of press releases.
COMMENT: At a first glance, economic growth lately does not look too bad. At a closer look, the picture is more froth than beer.
COMMENT: How do you get potential clients to choose your business rather than the other options they have?
COMMENT: The information being passed on from your computer can be surprising, writes Juha Saarinen.
COMMENT: Debbie Mayo-Smith talks avoiding marketing blunders.
COMMENT: Australia's people have been given unprecedented access into the tax affairs of the nation's largest private companies.
COMMENT: Playing field for tax calculations is far from level - subsidising some but penalising others, writes Mary Holm.
COMMENT: Robert B. Reich's book Saving Capitalism is an excellent read for those wanting a better understanding of the Donald Trump phenomenon.
COMMENT: To PM, terrorism simply makes New Zealand more attractive and will result in more high net-worth consumers wanting to come here.
COMMENT: Most financial advisers have your interests at heart, but a few bad eggs have ulterior motives.
COMMENT: Incidents involving three freelancers questioning the Government have led to costly legal action.
Brent Sheather looks at why interest rates globally have fallen and the implications for savers and borrowers.
The iPhone 5s was well overdue for retirement, says Juha Saarinen.
What simple things can you do this week to attract larger numbers of new customers or clients to your business?
Tom Hartmann talks how to work out how much to set aside each month.
COMMENT: Debbie-Mayo Smith talks five time management mistakes we should avoid to increase daily success.
COMMENT: The irony is banks have helped Reserve Bank avoid the feared side effect of the rate cut of adding more fuel on Auckland property price fires.
COMMENT: New Zealand's progress nudges our population growth ahead of Australia, writes Brian Gaynor.
COMMENT: A daughter living abroad should be encouraged to face up and repay the money she owes, writes Mary Holm.
COMMENT: IRD excels at finding evaders, who can face huge bills, writes Diana Clement.
COMMENT: Free-to-air networks are fighting for a bigger share of diminishing TV advertising revenue, and drama is at the costly edge of that battle.
LIAM DANN: Homeowners may already be subsidising farmers as banks eye big losses in the dairy sector.