Brian Gaynor: Sharemarkets soar, rates plunge
COMMENT: Further interest rate cuts would continue to make equities and residential property attractive for some investors, particularly on a short-term basis.
COMMENT: Further interest rate cuts would continue to make equities and residential property attractive for some investors, particularly on a short-term basis.
COMMENT: The last thing I want to do is put people off investing in shares. If done wisely shares can be an excellent investment.
COMMENT: It's hard to see how you could build a society and economy with IT increasingly entrenched at the core of both.
COMMENT: From rising sea levels to flooded rivers, from drought to wildfire - scientists list the impacts of climate change.
Jamie Tulloch the owner of E3 Business Accountants made an interesting comment in his business and tax tips newsletter a while ago.
COMMENT: The law of unintended consequences postulates that the actions of people and especially of governments.
John Key mindful of message - with own requests, writes Fran O'Sullivan.
COMMENT: Last week we found out Auckland's house price boom was back from the dead like the monster in a B-grade horror movie.
COMMENT: Let me share the five step plan I use to turn my dreams into reality.
Landlords who are forced to sell sometimes find they've gained little or nothing after years of hassle. Sometimes they even end up with a debt to the bank after selling the property.
COMMENT: The signs of wealth are easy to see in Panama - but how did it get that way, and is there a New Zealand connection?
John Key will put some hefty New Zealand issues on Beijing's radar screen on Monday as he gets down to business with China's top leaders.
COMMENT: Insurance policy fine print often sets the bar very high when it comes to claims for cancers, heart attacks and a long list of other illnesses.
COMMENT: Juha Saarinen shares his views on the Canon EOS 80D DSLR.
COMMENT: Migrants are pouring into NZ by the thousand, but these days the new arrivals aren't boosting prices the way they once did.
COMMENT: How many excuses have you invented to avoid saying that two-letter word?
COMMENT: Free trade will top PM's priorities, with issues including dairy, territory and extradition.
COMMENT: Creation of a superior being that can out-perform humans is underway so developers better not get left behind.
COMMENT: When you factor in all the costs of short-term borrowing, is it really worth it?
COMMENT: Debbie Mayo-Smith talks how to free up your time.
COMMENT: Does the CPI fairly represent the speed of price rises for superannuitants?
COMMENT: NZ Super Fund's decision to try to buy a 25pc stake in Kiwibank from NZ Post should not be any surprise.
COMMENT: Underfunding of schemes, low interest rates and longer lives all add to pressure.
COMMENT: What to do about the problem of uninsured Kiwis? Many are woefully exposed when it comes to their life and health cover.
COMMENT: New Zealand On Air is continuing on a path towards taxpayer funding for TV network current affairs shows.
COMMENT: Technology and foreign competition are consuming jobs, but a universal income is too crude and costly a solution.
FRAN O'SULLIVAN: This is a Wellington deal that brilliantly suits the objectives of two finance ministers, current and former.
COMMENT: Here's how to work faster and preview your emails without having to open each one.
COMMENT: The fact that New Zealand's trust regime is caught up in the midst of it all will be a surprise to many Kiwis.
COMMENT: Two weeks ago we considered the low interest rate environment, concluded that it was here to stay, writes Brent Sheather.