Power outage in Bay of Islands also affects Waitangi pōwhiri
Power outage affects thousands of customers in Northland
Power outage affects thousands of customers in Northland
Statue to 'Mother of the Nation' Dame Whina Cooper unveiled in Panguru before huge crowd.
A pregnant woman has been traumatised after being robbed at her family vegetable stall.
Statue based on iconic photo of Dame Whina Cooper and mokopuna starting 1975 Land March.
Four men charged in relation to Northland cannabis bust appear in court.
Ruakākā Beach was considered by the tournament organiser as the best he had seen.
The diver was found dead at 1.20pm off the coast of Taiharuru.
Ruakākā local Roger Hall has been surfing together with his dog Taz for nearly two years.
Occupation ends at Windsor Landing, but hapū group places cultural ban on construction.
Northland man jailed fro having and distributing objectionable material.
Trust also plans a multi-day walk from Cape Brett to Russell Forest via Elliot Bay.
Catching a marlin doesn't come around very often and should be celebrated.
Drone footage shows boats chasing pod and driving at speed over top of an orca.
A school principal says to parents: "You know your child best."
A woman has been rescued off rocks in the Hokianga by an off-duty police officer.
Tangiteroria Sports Complex in Northland destroyed by early morning fire
The public are urged to call 0800 SEE ORCA if they see the injured orca.
The centre is the only Montessori school in Northland.
Northland man caught with too many paua, nearly all of which were undersize.
''People don't know anything about it, so they can't judge me.''
Woman airlifted to hospital after Kerikeri crash with campervan.
Despite catching a 203.6kg blue marlin, Oliver Avery's catch didn't win the tournament.
Urupukapuka Island has something to offer everyone.
After a night of dancing and laughs, Natasha Michelle Roys was tragically killed.
Kerikeri chef Linz Hart-MacDiarmid is bringing the art of death-walking to Northland.
Baby great white shark a rare find on Northland's 90 Mile Beach delights shark experts.
Chilly days are in the forecast for most places across the country for the next full week.
Friday night is qualifying and Saturday is set aside to decide the national winners.
The Australian actress rang in the New Year across the ditch on Kiwi soil.