Latest fromAustralia

House-minder's nightmare: Thieves steal dad's classic Mustang
Social media posts report sightings of stolen Ford Mustang

An Aussie sheep to rival Shrek
A wayward sheep has been found in Australia, and he's been dubbed Shrek 2.

The fallen father: Church sex abuse in NZ 'still not exposed'
A culture of secrecy in the church has kept abuse hidden, warns an Australian consultant.

Kiwi dad reveals horror story after son swallows 30 magnets
Five-year-old Noah is lucky to be alive after magnets punched a dozen holes in his organs.

Barry Soper: This Govt is right to stand up to Aussies
COMMENT: Their Home Affairs Minister seems to have little respect for this country.

Kiwi woman's broken bone could be vital clue
Forensic pathologist explains what state of dead woman's body says about how she died.

War of words: Winston Peters demands Australia changes its flag
Acting prime minister has slammed Australia for 'copying' our flag .

Australia: Driza bone, mate
The Margaret River is perfect walking territory if you read the instructions.

New Anzac memorial honours Kiwi heroes
Words of Kiwi soldier can be heard at memorial at Maryborough, Queensland.

'The new asbestos': Deadly condition hitting tradies
A stonemason went from healthy to the intensive care unit in only a few months.

Perth triple murder: Māori community perform moving haka
More than 200 people converged to honour the lives of murdered mum and two kids.

Christopher Niesche: Aussie CEOs rewarded for showing up
COMMENT: Median bonus for ASX100 CEO is up 20 per cent to A$1.76 million.

Teen killed at party had 'beautiful soul'
The teenage girl killed in a Melbourne apartment on Saturday morning has been identified.

'Chaotic scene': Teen killed in horror apartment party
Teen killed in Melbourne apartment following reports of "horrendous screaming".

Poo jogger 'on the run' in Sydney suburb
A blonde woman caught defecating outside a bottle shop may be "on the run".

Radio host's 'butt-clenchingly awful' interview
Christian O'Connell opened up about his worst celeb encounters from his 20 years on air.

Australian PM's bid to try Isis suspect
Turnbull says Canberra will continue to try to extradite former Melbourne rapper.

Alt-right speaker's 'kill me' video backfires
Lauren Southern tried to trick Aussies on camera. It didn't work.

'Not one dreamed of leaving his post'
Heroic efforts of Kiwi troops at Gallipoli honoured in new Anzac memorial.

Andrew Little doubles down on deportation comments
Minister says he and Winston Peters called out Australia over deportations.

Found: Edmund Hillary's passport application
Passport applications of Ed Hillary and other notable Kiwis have been revealed.

Andrew Little criticised, Aussie network slammed over Kiwi deportation programme
Journalist and former Wallaby Peter FitzSimons visited NZ to investigate deportation saga.

Kiwis to keep Coke Zero, but Aussie misses out
From next month Coke Zero will be phased out in Australia.

Trevett: NZ and Australia, foes or allies?
There will be no toffee pops for Australia's PM next time he visits.

Transtasman battle: Virgin Australia launches Newcastle flights
Virgin Australia has fired another shot in a looming transtasman battle with Air NZ.

'Utterly ridiculous': Bizarre plan for Bondi Beach
Tourists flock to Bondi, but a local council wants to ban something it's most famous for.

Strawberry fields forever - even in winter
NZ test shows a winter strawberry industry is possible. Made with funding from NZ On Air.

'He just spiralled and spiralled'
Accused teenage murderer has a long history of mental health issues, his father says.

Scary new venomous snake discovered
Scientists searching for sea snakes never expected to stumble across this find.