'No reason to wear masks': Doctor's call for calm
'There have been some severe cases in some countries, but they're very small numbers.'
'There have been some severe cases in some countries, but they're very small numbers.'
The Coast host gets a taste of luxury in Vietnam.
The death has risen above that of the deadly SARS virus but experts see positive signs.
Officials think 5 million possibly infected people escaped the city before lockdown.
A visit to two of Malaysia's most romantic getaways.
It's meant to be part of a holiday resort on a pristine piece of coastline. But it's not.
The health of those rescued from Wuhan in being checked every day.
Dr Li Wenliang was one of the first to raise the alarm. Now his fate is uncertain.
The day started with a dawn ceremony followed by breakfast served by the Prime Minister.
The global death toll has now reached 565 deaths.
Napier man Adam Fern is sharing what living under lockdown in China is like.
Passengers were very stressed out, with several children vomiting, according to St John.
She has earned the invitation off the back of hard work and three NZ premiership wins.
While one ship is quarantined, passengers from another have returned home.
A global emergency has been declared. But the response is muted.
The woman was held up by Chinese authorities at a checkpoint.
Queen St school has placed "a small number" of Chinese students in hotels.
Students detained when they arrived from China, say they're being treated like 'cash cows'
The coronavirus outbreak has exceeded SARS deaths, with 75 dying in one day.
The "super-fast hospital" in Wuhan opened its doors after just 10 days of construction.
One host asked if it would be seen as discrimination to cancel only guests from China.
First case of person-to-person spread of virus confirmed in the United States.
From violent memes and calls to 'nuke China' to shops declaring 'No Chinese allowed'.
Disturbing report says China cremating bodies in secret hinting death toll "way too low"
Fears are spreading about the new virus, which has killed more than 130.
He has won the Australia Day Cup MVP for three years running.
Any at-risk children or teachers should stay away for 14 days.
A Kiwi trapped in Wuhan estimates he has only a few day's worth of food left.
COMMENT: New Zealand deserves better from its politicians.
COMMENT: WHO's decision not to issue public health emergency surprised many.