Latest fromAsia

NZ ranked fourth in global economic freedom rankings
NZ is the fourth most economically free country in the world according to a US think tank and the Wall Street Journal.

Triple Aussie killer dad lived in NZ - report
A 37-year-old man, who shot dead his three children in Melbourne, lived in NZ for five years earlier this decade before moving to Victoria.

'Mounted goat rugby from hell' may go global
A game in which horseriders struggle for possession of a headless goat should be unleashed globally, an Afghan fan says.

Cricket star admits he was married
Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik, who was poised to marry an Indian tennis star, has admitted he is married to another Indian woman.

Sumatra: Kiwi aid workers safe following 7.7 quake
Two New Zealand aid workers are safe and well following this morning's earthquake in Indonesia.

India: Four Kiwis in Kerala
Sydney Smith describes the wonderful holiday she won in the Herald Travel-Singapore Airlines Travel Magic competition last year.

Unholy row over Indian guru's sex tape
A leaked video has shown an Indian religious leader getting a little too blissful with two shapely women.

Phuket: Like a limestone cowboy
Martin Sykes paddles, pedals and rides elephants around Thai islands.

Phuket: Like a limestone cowboy
Martin Sykes paddles, pedals and rides elephants around Thai islands.

NZ can't afford to host the Rugby World Cup again - McCully
Murray McCully said the 2011 World Cup "may be the last time our small country of 4 million people can afford to host a rugby world cup".

Hong Kong Sevens off to a flying start
For the spectators and the players, the Hong Kong Sevens is still the holy grail or the series, drawing die-hard fans from around the world.