Christchurch earthquake: Soccer-lover loses leg but survives
"I have lost a leg. They had to cut it off to save me." Those were the first words rescued student Kento Okuda said to his mother.
"I have lost a leg. They had to cut it off to save me." Those were the first words rescued student Kento Okuda said to his mother.
Auckland's dining scene is about to become a whole lot more exciting with the addition of three new eateries, created and led by hospitality expert Brendan Turner.
Actress Josephine Stewart-Tewhiu draws wardrobe inspiration from the past.
Auckland's fine weekend weather brought record crowds to the city's lantern festivals, organisers say.
Foreign Minister Murray McCully says he welcomes today's announcement by the Japanese Government that its whaling fleet will stop whaling in the Southern Ocean and return home.
India's Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, a man who came to office with a clean reputation, has been forced to deny rumours he is to stand down amid a growing corruption scandal that has engulfed his government.
Activists tailing a Japanese whaling ship say it has turned around and is on course for Japan.
The Japanese whaling fleet appears to have called an early end to its whaling season in Antarctica, a move which conservationists tentatively say could spell an end to whaling in the Southern Ocean.
Jim Eagles channels his inner caveman and is moved by the great art he finds.
Travel in India is exciting but not for the faint-hearted. Chris Reed journeys through three regions.
The Silver Ferns are being advised to seek permission to perform the well-known Ka Mate haka.
Keen to impress on Valentine's Day? Knock your beloved's socks off with a classic Gallic dish.
Here's a story about how to become middle-aged and middle-class - without noticing it.
It's that time of year again when we're compelled to buy a sentimental card for our loved ones and go out for a set-menu meal - or wallow in our singledom.
Cellphone entrepreneur tries again, with venture targeting emerging markets.
The Chinese company that sparked a fierce national debate last year about foreign investment in farming is ploughing ahead with plans to export millions of cartons of UHT milk from New Zealand to China.
United States news organisation CNN International has released its top 10 places to propose to a loved one on Valentine's Day.
The Thai hotel manager who tried to help three young NZ women with food poisoning has described how the trio were bedridden and vomiting.