Latest fromAsia

Japan tsunami: Tears of anxiety - and of elation
Yoshimi Okazaki lost her home and job in the Christchurch quake. Now her loved ones are missing in the devastating Japanese quake and tsunami.

No special quake compensation for Chinese families - Key
Chinese parents who lost their only child in last month's Christchurch earthquake will not be getting special compensation, Prime Minister John Key says.

Christchurch thoughts with Japan - Parker
Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker says the thoughts of his quake-stricken city are with Japan following Friday's magnitude 9.0 earthquake which devastated much of the country and left thousands dead.

590,000 people flee disaster zone
More than half a million people have been forced from their homes in quake and tsunami-hit northern Japan, petrol has run dry and supermarkets are empty in what its prime minister says is the worst crisis to hit Japan since WWII.

Mum's agonising wait for news of All Black son
The mothers of two former All Blacks based in Japan feared the worst when Friday's deadly earthquake and tsunami hit.

Radiation fears as death toll climbs
Japanese officials warned of a possible second explosion at a nuclear plant crippled by the earthquake and tsunami as they raced to stave off multiple reactor meltdowns, but they provided few details about whether they were making progress.

Nuclear meltdown 'highly possible'
Three nuclear power plants in Japan have suffered failure, with a top Government official warning a meltdown at one of the plants was "highly possible". Over 10,000 people are thought to be missing as officials fight to avoid a catastrope

Japan tsunami: Reactions from around the world
Read the latest accounts from people around the world via Facebook and Twitter.

Relief for family as daughter found in Japan
The Robinson family of Nelson breathed a huge sigh of relief this morning when they finally reached their daughter in Japan.

Earthquake prediction: Is GPS our best bet?
Recent events have many asking what science is doing to forewarn us of major earthquakes.

Most Kiwis in northeast Japan accounted for - MFAT
All but "a few" New Zealanders registered as living in northeast Japan have been located.

NZ among first to assist Japan
New Zealand is one of the first countries to respond to a call for help from Japan.

Kiwi tourist had disease linked to heart condition
A young New Zealander who died in Thailand last month had a highly infectious virus which can spark the heart condition which killed her, tests show.