Back to the homeland
Susan Strongman is charmed by Taiwan and its people and finds many links to NZ.
Susan Strongman is charmed by Taiwan and its people and finds many links to NZ.
Singapore's aquarium of 100,000 creatures shows off sharks, eels and an acrobatic manta ray.
China fell in love with the 1997 blockbuster movie about the doomed ocean liner.
Eli Orzessek suggests caution around the border from Myanmar into Thailand.
With the face of Ataturk looking down on him, Michael McHugh explores the past glories of Ephesus.
Eli Orzessek makes a pilgrimage to the Batu Caves and then retreats to the sanctity of the mall.
Jump aboard a Vespa to see the 'real' Cambodia, writes Max Wooldridge.
It pays to be aware of cultural customs and sensitivities to avoid giving offence in foreign countries, writes Paul Rush.
Fewer people have seen inside this incredible place than have reached Everest's summit.
This city's horror was 70 years ago, but the memories will never leave, says Kevin Pilley.
Watching these mighty beasts splash in the river is an amazing sight, says Alex Robertson.
Taiwanese festivals are a dazzling frenzy of colour and noise, finds Justine Tyerman.
Chris Pritchard finds the world's best examples of Hindu and Buddhist art in Indonesia.
Jim Eagles finds a friendly people and treasures from a glorious past.