PM: NZ can be one of most vaccinated countries as daily doses near 130k
Super Saturday has been a record-breaking day of vaccination in New Zealand.
Super Saturday has been a record-breaking day of vaccination in New Zealand.
10 spots throughout Mid Canterbury will be running vaccination clinics on Saturday.
Kura Clark, who uses a walking frame, was reported missing from her home late last night.
I just wish I was there to say goodbye.
Investigation into allegations of teacher bullying at Ashburton College.
Concerns were raised in a letter to the school's principal as far back as March 2018.
Find out how your suburb's vaccination levels compare.
A number of walk-in clinics are expected in Ashburton in the coming weeks.
"Something's not quite right there, it's a bit of a kick in the head really."
The wild weather has hampered the ability of crews to get fires under control.
Bridges on Mount Possession Station & Inverary Station swept away during recent flooding.
NZME reporter Georgia O'Connor Harding spent five hours waiting to be tested yesterday.
Front line nurses: Employment conditions are described as woefully inadequate.
Female frontline staff member was hospitalised after being attacked.
A single ticket is now worth $5,333,333 after Saturday's Lotto draw.
A farmer in the Canterbury high country still cleaning up after last month's flood.
The YouTuber who was fired from Synlait went to an Act Party event — it didn't end well.
The majority of Henry Rooney's Jersey Willows farm was under water a month ago.
Ardern met with Mid Canterbury community and rural leaders in Ashburton this week.
Calls to speed up plans for a second bridge were made following the recent floods.
Jacinda Ardern has spent the day in Canterbury, which was devastated by torrential rain.
Ashburton farmers could take months, if not years, to recover from recent flooding.
Christopher Bates' parents hope someone remembers something that leads to their son.
Rain is expected to hit the east of the South Island this weekend.
Three of the people were from Christchurch and one from Auckland.
Auckland always gets a better deal than Ashburton, says the local mayor.
Family of van driver killed in a horror crash at Ashburton shares road safety plea.
The long weekend road toll is equal to that of 2020 when three people also died.
The driver of the van involved in a crash that killed four is remembered for his smile.
The double-vehicle crash happened just outside Ashburton yesterday morning.