Three people rescued from house fire in Henderson, Auckland
A fire investigator will return to the house later this morning.
A fire investigator will return to the house later this morning.
The Country has five questions to get to know rural New Zealand a little better.
'A doer rather than a talker, and our community owes him a huge debt of gratitude'
Three Rivers Medical warns of 'significant risk' to patient care due to shortages.
160 students explore nature and creativity at the arboretum.
OPINION: Our readers write in on a range of issues, including free speech.
The Gisborne Mayor commends Nicola Willis' call to challenge online trolls and abuse.
Three Tauranga-based apprentices have taken out the top spots.
Unsettled weather will affect various parts of the country today.
After more than 50 years of working in film, Paul Maxwell knows a thing or two.
Speakers at the event, from Tairāwhiti, shared their journeys and inspired local students.
Napier City Rovers discover a new hero on the way to qualification.
Liam Fisher and his mates showed off the Ag Beam Lifter at Fieldays this year.
Mercury has contested forest products company Winstone's claims about high power prices.
'We knew it was a fairly crazy project but we ended up putting two and two together.'
'She has taken advantage of the benefit system for her own personal gain.'
About 60 people came to hear what the decision would be.
Raveen Saily says he believed the 16-year-old had consented to sex in the changing room.
Their employer says they were genuine, loyal and caring men.
One of the largest displays of vintage farm machinery in the Southern Hemisphere.
A ferry service between Mount Maunganui and Tauranga could be on the way in 2025.
The plant is proposed to be built in Te Awamutu.
Securing a funding stream is the centre's final hurdle.
Staff were informed of the redundancy process today.
Furry friends are making themselves known for spring.
The high-value protein industry is projected to grow by $16b over the next four years.
Warnings remain in place for the Ōhinemuri River.
Miles Hurrell, Nicola Willis, Mark Leslie, Siobhan Lynch, Ray Smith.
The lake is more than one metre lower than it was at the beginning of the year.
The men face multiple charges.