Latest fromAirlines

Bride, groom booted off United flight
A bride and groom bound for their wedding in Costa Rica were removed from a flight.

Editorial: A booked seat is not sacred
If airlines must overbook flights they should "bump" people gently.

Jack Tame: Apologising a sign of decency
COMMENT: Ask CEO of United Airlines if he thinks all publicity is good publicity.

How to avoid being bumped off flights
Some inside knowledge and tips to lessen the chance of being bumped off a flight.

Airlines have overbooked since the 1940s
Airlines have overbooked flights since the 1940s, it's a problem as old as aviation itself

Man had to give up seat for Air NZ crew
Airline apologises for 'unfortunate experience' which left travellers upset and angry.

United broke its contract with frequent fliers
The contract included with every ticket suggests United in fact breached its contract.

Lessons from the United Airlines debacle
United Airlines is in a major crisis after it decided to "re-accommodate" a passenger.

United chief's TV apology to passenger
Embattled United CEO accepts responsibility for treatment of passenger.

United CEO mopping up PR disaster
A disaster unfolded on Oscar Munoz's watch, now he's trying to make amends.

15 hurt in Qantas flight near-stall
Information has emerged about 15 passengers injured on a Qantas flight last week.

Crisis experts to United: It will pass
If you can't remember the last crisis United had, it's a good sign this one will pass too.

United CEO apologises for 'horrific event'
United has backed off the initial claim that the flight was overbooked, reports say.

How United got the apology so wrong
Apologising is an art, and United Airlines CEO got it way wrong.

United struggles with PR disaster
United has struggled to contain fallout over a passenger's forcible removal from a flight.

FCC drops cellphone ban proposal
The FCC are dropping a proposal to ban cellphone use during air travel.

Air NZ among top airlines in world
Air New Zealand has been recognised among top airlines in a new travellers' survey.

Employee fined for bidding against boss
Ex-employee of Sunair must pay $66,600 after bidding against his boss for a contract.

'Electric buses' could be flying us soon
Tiny electric planes could soon be doing regional flights at only $36 per ticket.

Air NZ to allergy sufferer: bring own food
Allergy prone passenger needed dairy-free as well as gluten-free meal, and no fruit.

Firm where 46,000 a year want to work
Jodie King deals with more than 46,000 people applying for jobs at Air New Zealand.

London-Sydney flights possible in 5 years
Qantas CEO says Sydney-London and Melbourne-London route has 'real possibility'.

Plan to power aircraft with trash
Cathay Pacific has taken a stake in a company producing bio fuel out of city waste.

What happened to greener air travel?
The quest for commercial-scale aviation biofuel is proving to be a long haul journey.

Premium lounge at Auckland Airport
Spending at 26 airport retailers and on parking will count in loyalty programme.

Airways probes failure at Wellington
Airways is probing why a system to help planes land at Wellington failed in heavy rain.

Which is the biggest airline of them all?
Figures from aviation consultants OAG reveal where the biggest airlines are concentrated.