Who is the greater polluter, cows or people?
Malcolm Lumsden was recently stopped by a lady pronouncing that "I was one of those irresponsible farmers who allowed their cows to 'pee and poo' everywhere resulting in our rivers all being polluted"
Malcolm Lumsden was recently stopped by a lady pronouncing that "I was one of those irresponsible farmers who allowed their cows to 'pee and poo' everywhere resulting in our rivers all being polluted"
It seems implausible, in this age of worldwide connectivity and immediate access to information, that councils, district health boards
COMMENT: Is the end of the Trans-Pacific Partnership the death of open economies or just a setback, Brian Fallow writes.
COMMENT: NZ First wants public money to pay for televising significant games so they can be seen by everyone, says Winston Peters.
As mentioned recently, the so-called collaborative stakeholders' group has recently released their Sea Change report and the Waikato
After a month off, it's back to the grindstone and as usual I have to catch up with what's happened in the world over the past 4
Last week the Northland Age asked why Kaitaia is still waiting for a reliable water supply. It is a valid question, and the Far
As a proud Englishman and a historian, I am often struck by the European desire to give lessons to the rest of the world. I suspect
David Low, the famous anti-appeaser British (though New Zealand born) cartoonist of the 1930s and 1940s, had a character called Colonel
COMMENT: A strong correlation was found between the state of the country's fish stocks and the quality of its fisheries management, writes Tim Pankhurst.
COMMENT: Bill English should act sooner rather than later if he wants to get a bilateral trade deal with the US on the table, Fran O'Sullivan writes.
The mainstream media did themselves no favours with their handling of the 'he said, she said' row between the 'Mad Butcher,' Sir Peter
The man behind Fraser Farm Finance says 'Brexit and Trumpet, like it or lump it' and he offers his State of the Nation for NZ farming in 2017.
OPINION: Medicinal marijuana - what can't it do? Now scientists believe it could help cure irritable bowel syndrome, writes
With much sympathy for farmers battling with increasingly dry conditions, there's no escaping the fact that summer in Hawke's Bay
There has been concern in recent years about the concentration of our seed heritage into the hands of a few large multinational corporations. Very
Slow motion catastrophe: Another massive Hawke's Bay drought is looming. Fifteen years ago climate scientists predicted that severe
About this time of year as we go into the usual drought the neighbours must think we've run out of water and I've started sustaining
The continued strength of the Fonterra Global Dairy Auction has given many farmers confidence that there will be an increase in milk
Just before Christmas, the Maori Party took a stand that is hugely important for Hawke's Bay. The party told Environment Minister
The Country host Jamie Mackay shares his list of things to see and do before he shuffles off this mortal coil.
I DON'T have any hard data but it seems that the incidence of stock thefts in the Whanganui and Rangitikei districts is rising. Certainly
How's the white gold flowing in Aotearoa so far in 2017? The dairy payout is back up to around $6 per kilogram of milk solids, but
For a sharemilking business to thrive, both sharemilkers and farm owners must do their homework before entering a partnership agreement
The rodeo travelling circus is well under way. Competitors and animals are now on the road, taking animal torture to venues all over
In the late 1940s my father came down from the East Coast to be a shepherd on Omakere Station in Central Hawke's Bay. Part of the
With 2016 being such an up-and-down year for farmers, here's hoping the new year will bring better news on demand and prices. The
Napier regional councillor Paul Bailey is right about one thing - the major problems facing the region must be shared responsibilities
It seems this is the season where we reflect on the achievements of the past 12 months. To refresh my memory I re-read my comments
There's nothing like the smell of freshly cut pine to make me feel festive. I've spent the last fortnight chopping up pines toppled