Latest fromTCN - Opinion

Letters: Dogs can be kiwi killers
We need to secure dogs better to protect kiwis, says a reader.

Editorial: Billy, the greatest goat of all time
Billy the goat was the greatest of all time, says Merania Karauria.

Do palm oil pros outweigh the cons?
New Zealand has been caught up in the Palm Kernel Expeller debate.

Opinion: Don Fraser - Things I have learnt
Comment: Don Fraser shares lessons learned over 55 years of a 'very active business life.'

Rachel Stewart: Why kill animals after an 'attack'?
Comment: Animals attack us when we invade their space and we need to realise this.

Opinion: Aim accounting method might not suit all farmers
Michael Turner says farmers can be disadvantaged by the IRD's Accounting Income Method.

Jim Rose: Why environmentalists should endorse Rogernomics
COMMENT: Carbon emission cuts are an international public good.

Opinion: Euro pest control red tape bad news for NZ
Political pressure for sustainable agriculture in Europe could affect NZ farmers.

Orphaned lamb happy in a nappy, and loved
Good people treat animals well, writes Craig Cooper

Why appointment of Monaghan is a controversial choice
Fonterra's new chairman has many obstacles to navigate.

Brian Fallow: Climate warms towards Govt's plan to cut carbon
Consensus is building behind planned Zero Carbon Act to combat climate change.

Comment: Is medical cannabis a wolf in sheep's clothing?
Potential benefits need to be weighed against the arguments for potential risks.

Opinion: Is this the great nitrogen fix?
Wairakei Pastoral Ltd (WPL), is working to push through a non-notifiable resource consent.

Editorial: Our kiwi, our dogs and a need for honesty
BOI: The vast majority of dog owners are lovely people. Let's keep this in perspective.

Mike Hosking: There's no downside to Matt Lauer deal
Comment: It's win-win all round. There is no downside to the deal.

Rachel Stewart: Signs of a stressed-out dairy industry
COMMENT: If farmers don't find a new way forward soon, they'll feel more alone than ever.

Opinion: Red meat – To have or have not?
Fiona Greig looks at alternative proteins and the environment in relation to meat diets.

Mike Hosking: Why mining has always been part of the equation
Comment: 'Labour and the Greens don't get sensible middle New Zealand's view of the world'

Ross Verry: How to keep decline at bay
There needs to be innovative thinking around investment structures for the agri sector.

Opinion: Impossible burger a kick in the teeth to farmers
Promoting the impossible burger seems a kick in the teeth to hard working farmers in NZ.

Letters: Bay pays price as leaders lack vision on lake project
OPINION: Bill Sutton's change of heart to the Ruataniwha scheme is too little, too late.

Opinion: The pros and cons of vertical farming
OPINION: Anna Campbell ponders whether agriculture should go up rather than out.

Opinion: Failure to consider alternative dam options
Fans of RWSS have failed to consider other options for farming's future in Bay region.

Political Roundup: MPs don't mince their words on Air NZ's Impossible Burger
COMMENT: Bryce Edwards on the recent media furore caused by synthetic meat.

Opinion: Potential of plant-based protein
The realpolitik is simple. We are already seeing wars caused by access to water.

Letters: FNDC responsible for kiwi death
Russell Landcare Trust blame the council for the death of a kiwi that was mauled.