Latest fromTCN - Opinion

What farmers need to learn about fire hazards
Opinion: We cannot farm with the attitude of 'she'll be right'.

Opinion: Disasters bring out the best in people
Comment: You can always count on the rural community to swing into action in times of need

Don't believe all the hype, Kiwi cannabis can get you burnt
Invest in cannabis at your own risk.

Opinion: Progress in waterways cleanup not acknowledged
Like the Master Games competitor, it's often not easy reaching the finish line.

Gwynne Dyer: New food tech may help save us
We need a significant overhaul, changing the world food system on a scale not seen before

Frank Greenall: Cows got talent too
Could New Zealanders ever do the Wilde thing and lay off slaughtering animals?

Editorial: Horse friend unloved no more
Merania Kaurauria reflects on the love of a new companion.

Shane Jones: Making a difference
Te Ara Mahi will give many youth in Northland new opportunities, writes Shane Jones.

Editorial: Fire has been well fought
One of New Zealand's largest forest fires appears to have been well fought.

Who stole my plums?
Any day now they will come knocking at the door with a basket over their arm.

Conservation Comment: Why I won't fly
Actually, I'm joining the majority — 95 per cent of humans never fly.

Opinion: Farmers need science
Comment: Federated Farmers believes in science-based policy.

Opinion: Commercial forestry v pastoral farming
Comment: The ramifications of establishing forestry blocks takes some research.

Federated Farmers: Land use under review
Our regional council is focused on being part of the solution, writes Rex Graham.

Opinion: Who benefits from a WCO in Hawke's Bay?
Comment: The WCO won't add any benefits the current regulations do not already provide.

Federated Farmers: Let's use real wool to make Kiwiana
The Feds say Kiwi toys should be made with NZ wool.

Opinion: Heatwave shows importance of water storage
Comment: Australia's heatwave shows that storing water is essential.

Federated Farmers: Do farmers pay too much?
Nigel Billings looks at whether farmers are paying too much.

Editorial: Lack of support for emissions plan brings out West Coast wrath
Westland District Council won't support a new emissions scheme without proof.

Opinion: How online shopping could affect agriculture
Comment: What could online shopping mean for the agricultural industry.

Opinion: Vested interests hold sway
COMMENT: Powerful minorities influence council decisions while our environment suffers

Bryan Gould: Kiwi voters keen to preserve environment
We need more that just a "blue-green" approach to our problems.

The Country Side: Plastic surgery
At least I no longer feel like some kind of oddity for using cloth shopping bags.

Opinion: Ag Training in the Wairarapa - adapting for the future
Comment: Wairarapa Ag training meeting relevant for all New Zealand.

Opinion: Biosecurity efforts underway
Comment: Fed Farmers applauds Damien O'Connor's efforts with biosecurity.

Opinion: Where Brexit and the EU could be taking NZ
Comment: The way New Zealand trades with Europe could be about to drastically change.

Opinion: Rivers rise and fall but fishing fine
Central Otago waterways are looking good for fishing at the moment.

Hosking: Three threats to the economy may come crashing together
Comment: They've turned what was a rock-star into a pub karaoke croaker.