Burnette O'Connor: A case for building on productive land
OPINION: A planning consultant puts the case for affordable housing and urban development.
OPINION: A planning consultant puts the case for affordable housing and urban development.
Supposed reforms are actually a recipe for failure and fragmentation.
Opinion: What do governments actually want from farmers?
OPINION: No matter which way you spin it, the outlook looks grim
OPINION: Premium subscribers weigh in on the cost of fertiliser for farmers.
Opinion: Feds junior VP says documenting good winter grazing practices will pay off.
Opinion: The consequences of global warming and climate change have arrived.
Opinion: North Otago farmer Jane Smith has an alternative daily update for the PM.
Opinion: NZ arable farmers use technology to produce good food for the least impact.
Opinion: Rural counsellor Kathryn Wright on how to identify someone who may need a hand.
Opinion: The future farming innovation will come from the regenerative sector.
OPINION: We've learnt first-hand how infectious diseases spread and the impact they have.
Opinion: Kiwi farmers can't do more with less when it comes to cow numbers.
OPINION: President of the Royal College of GPs prescribes a solution to dwindling numbers.
OPINION: Now's the logical time to undertake workforce reforms
Legislation would erode the principle of one person, one vote.
Opinion: Rod Oram has a bone to pick with The Country host's climate change opinion piece.
Opinion: Geoff Ross of Lake Hawea Station takes a closer look at the carbon books.
Opinion: Kiwis should support successful farmers the same way we support our sports teams.
Opinion: Farmers thrive on clarity, so "maybe answers" can create anxiety and confusion.
Opinion: Some changes will have a significant impact on New Zealand pig farmers.
It is essential to look beyond the immigration system in lifting our poor productivity.
Meridian Energy makes the case for producing clean-burning gas in NZ.
New Zealand farmers expect our negotiators to go hard on spurious trade barriers.
Opinion: Why knowledge & adaptation in the primary sector is the bedrock of the economy.
Like farming seasons, winter is coming for this Government - it could come in spring 2023.
The two farms I have mentioned are just the tip of the iceberg.
Opinion: Perspective and sound science matter for Govt's response to climate change.
OPINION: 'We're happy to pay for the person at the garage to look under the bonnet.'
Opinion: Numerous uncertainties will need to be addressed if proposal is to work properly.