Latest fromRDP - Opinion
Opinion: Pou in Belgium an enduring reminder of NZ's sacrifices
Pou acts as an enduring reminder of the service and sacrifice.
Opinion: Health and safety should not be trivialised
Verbal abuse is a mental health safety issue and it should not be trivialised.
Opinion: Bay rugby veterans giving back
Some of the Bay's best players have returned to club rugby with great effect.
Comment | Israel Folau gives Christians a bad name
Holier-than-thou people are hard to budge, they're not the "contaminated ones"
Opinion: Why do you think it is important to commemorate Anzac Day?
We asked people on the street why they thought it was important to commemorate Anzac Day.
Courage needed when farming through the dry
Comment: During droughts or drought-like conditions, be aware depression is very real.
Opinion: It might be time to embrace esports
Competitive esports, also known as professional gaming, is on the rise.
Letters: Business case for Rotorua Lakefront robust
Letters: Business case for Rotorua Lakefront was successful.
Rachel Stewart: Dignified death of a feisty farm cat
COMMENT: This isn't really a column about my dead cat, though it might appear that way.
Letters: Is airport upgrade necessary?
Letters: Is the Rotorua Airport upgrade necessary?
Opinion: The road toll keeps rising
Police's message has been the same for years, yet the road toll keeps rising
Letters: Dental work needs subsidies
Readers discuss the cost of dentistry, parking meters and GST on food.
Opinion: Enormous amounts of love needed
Looking at five coffins set out along one wall, I was overcome with utter sadness.
Opinion: Tahuriorangi's gesture shows humility
Sports reporter David Beck says Tahuriorangi playing club rugby says a lot about the man.
Letters: Green Corridor review mistaken for April Fools joke
Readers discuss the potential removal of the Green Corridor.
Letters: Potential removal of Green Corridor welcomed
Readers discuss the Green Corridor, the danger of Facebook and begging.
Letters: Parking charges putting shoppers off Rotorua CBD
Letters: Parking charges putting shoppers off Rotorua CBD.
Graeme Simpson: Company hits global stage
Nzo has become a key cog in the mountain biking community
Opinion: Potential U-turn on Green Corridor surprising
Opinion: Was the Green Corridor just a passing fad the council bought into?
Opinion: Ministry of Education urged to do the right thing
There has to be change, for the sake of Neihana Renata and his family writes Kelly Makiha.