Kristin Macfarlane: No kisses or hand shakes - so why is it okay to touch eftpos buttons?
COMMENT: Tap and go payment systems should be available at all businesses.
COMMENT: Tap and go payment systems should be available at all businesses.
COMMENT: It's good to see bipartisan policies on children's development.
COMMENT: Masks are latest fashion accessory - but they should have been employed sooner.
Rotorua readers have their say.
COMMENT: The winter gulf between public holidays has never felt longer.
Rotorua readers have their say.
COMMENT: Challenges remain though, and we must recognise how much there is to be done.
COMMENT: We, as a community, need to do more to have zero tolerance to the drug.
COMMENT: Zoe Hunter writes about the power of dads and shares why she loves hers.
COMMENT: A busy travelling lifestyle makes way for more home-time.
Rotorua readers have their say.
Time to follow mask wearing rules
Comment: Local businesses are suffering and they need patronage.
COMMENT: Mental health needs support after a break-in.
Readers have their say.
Should we be spending all this money on emergency housing?
COMMENT: The toughness we need is of a different kind.
Comment: More than just counselling needed to help young people.
COMMENT: When you have so many interests, it can be hard to settle on one.
Comment: I don't workout to lose weight, I workout so my body is capable of great things.
Readers have their say.
We need more than shovel-ready projects to re-employ women in the Covid era.
Paul Hickey discusses lockdown woes, chocolate and Kiwibank Local Hero Award nominations.
Hope can be a powerful feeling and we need it right now.
Rotorua readers have their say.
COMMENT: The effects of coronavirus are far-reaching.
Readers have their say.
Why would you not guarantee the representation of a minority population?
COMMENT: Our mental, physical and economic health can't cope with a nationwide lockdown.