Latest fromRDP - Opinion

Editorial: Racing creates waves
Like many I'm a lot more interested in the America's Cup now the racing's under way.

The 111 Files: Small steps lead to safety
Although I have been stationed in Rotorua for almost two years, I have just taken over the role of road policing manager from Senior Sergeant Denton Grimes.

Editorial: Shopping habits change
Another shopping complex looks likely to be built on the outskirts of Rotorua, this time on Fairy Springs Rd at the site formerly occupied by Oderings.

Te Ururoa Flavell: More than one king
From its beginning, the thrust of the King Movement was the retention of land and a commitment to unify the people.

Editorial: Sense needed on cigs
When I was a teenager, trying to fund my cigarette habit was tricky.

Editorial: Leader race will spice up politics
Whether you're a leftie or a right wing supporter, it's fair to say politics is getting more interesting.

The 111 Files: Plan safe return from night out
The Bay of Plenty Traffic Alcohol Group (TAG) is based in Rotorua and is part of a larger group of road-policing staff who focus on keeping our roads safe.

Potaua Biasiny-Tule: Youth has its place in council
Politics - in some homes it can be a swear word.

Ngahi Bidois: Forgiveness can inspire write stuff
Every written article, letter, poem, story, email, memo, script, thesis, book and even this publication from the Rotorua Daily Post started with an empty page.

Editorial: Optimism despite CBD gaps
Once a year Rotorua's business community comes together to celebrate their fine work at the annual Rotorua Business Excellence Awards.

Editorial: Police action correct
Israel Jack's family and friends will right now be going through hell.

Editorial: Fishery action urgent
It's obvious now that some urgency is required if we wish to preserve snapper stocks in our region.