Latest fromRDP - Opinion

Paul Hickey: Feline fever is my affliction
I've lost count of how many feline family members I've had, especially as at one stage I think we had five! So I suppose you could say I'm a cat kind of guy, writes Paul Hickey.

Editorial: Picking on 65s+ not right
Labour leader Andrew Little did himself no favours with his comment that it was unfair to work alongside someone who earned the same salary, but also earned a pension.

Paul Hickey: Reminder we owe volunteers so much
A big positive thing that hasn't changed is the influence of the volunteers and they all do a great job, writes Paul Hickey.

Editorial: Stupid, cowardly act plain terrorism
Whoever sent the letter must have a real grudge against mayor Steve Chadwick or the council in general. It's a shame they could not have just written her a real letter, writes Matthew Martin.

Paul Hickey: Job satisfaction is food for thought
How does the saying go ... find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life. For me that certainly rings true, writes Paul Hickey.

Editorial: Online voting will see increase
The sooner online voting becomes an option at election time the better, writes Kim Gillespie.