Street view: What is your favourite outdoor activity on a sunny day?
Street view: What is your favourite outdoor activity for a sunny day? 181016sj01.JPG Walking in the Redwoods and at the Lakefront. GARY
Street view: What is your favourite outdoor activity for a sunny day? 181016sj01.JPG Walking in the Redwoods and at the Lakefront. GARY
DEFENCE: Rotorua's tulips are a credit to the city, despite what an out-of-towner thinks. PHOTO/STEPHEN PARKER A_270916sp2.JPG Sometime
20161007_125053.jpg It was an obviously alcohol-induced slurred voice and was the funniest comment I had heard all night on the racetrack
Street View - Do you support junior doctors going on strike today? 171016sp6.jpg Yes, I'd support anyone who was over-worked. There's
Yes, as John Pakes said (Letters, October 14), there will be two community boards advising council, but it is in an advisory capacity
Tena ano tatou katoa. I begin today by congratulating our mayor Steve Chadwick and the successful councillors who we have on board
Recently I was involved with the organisation of a fishing trip on Lake Okaro for 31 children with haemophilia. The children, aged
The Westpac Rotorua Business Awards were held on Saturday night. Who is your favourite local business and why? 161016tuhuaDPW.JPG There's
Finally it's official. We can reveal today that Kmart is coming to Rotorua. For some of you, the news may be met with a shrug of
Street View: Do you think pokie machines should be banned? No, it's up to the user. At the end of the day they can do whatever they
Street View: Does more emphasis need to be placed on people's mental health? Yes, for people with addictions the community needs
Travelled from Napier for the recent Tulip Festival after seeing it widely advertised that 100,000 tulip bulbs had been planted this
Gambling is one thing that really riles me up. It's just a total waste of money. More often than not you are going to lose money
Street view: Have you been following the US election campaign? 111016sp1.JPG I've not really been following it too much, just been
Well, it didn't take Reynold Macpherson long to complain about the election results (Letters, October 10). Steve Chadwick was re-elected
I should know better than to let comments on social media wind me up - I bite my tongue reading them every day, knowing people have
Street view: What do you think of the new polytech name Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology? 100816sp7.JPG Changing the name doesn't
ADVICE: A letter writer advises Reynold Macpherson now moves on and leaves Rotorua to flourish under the leadership of Steve Chadwick
Karen Hunt will have lost count of the number of times she's had to defend the council's plans for the inner city. As the inner-city
Recently one of my grandchildren enrolled at John Paul College. In the process I found that demand to enrol children there far exceeds
I totally agree with J. O'Sullivan's remarks (Letters September 30) regarding the barbaric "games" of rugby and the morons who participate
Street View: Rotorua's road toll for this year is set to be the highest in five years. What are your tips for safe driving? 061016bf1.JPG No
It astounds me why more people do not vote in local government elections. Maybe I have just got old and sensible, or maybe working
Street View: Have you voted in this year's elections? 051016bf1.jpg No, not yet. But I will be posting mine tomorrow. MONTY BURKE
Your new columnist Rachel Stewart is a breath of fresh air (October 5). Certainly your last contributor was showing signs of fatigue
Dylan Thorne (Opinion, October 3) enthuses over the perceived benefits of online voting, however extensive research suggests otherwise
It was like a breath of fresh air to read in the Rotorua Daily Post that a lobby group in being formed to promote equality amongst
Street view: Is it too early to start Christmas shopping? 031016sj0102.JPG No, because I'm going to be in Christchurch for the whole
There's nothing like a hot hangi on a cold winter weekend, even if it is supposed to be cafe kai served on sun-drenched sidewalks
People say landlords have a rough time with some tenants. Yes, I agree but a member of my family has rented for the past six months