Letters: Mita's passing lamented
So very sorry to hear of the passing of Mita Mohi. I enjoyed the times we played rugby together. Always a mutual friend whenever
So very sorry to hear of the passing of Mita Mohi. I enjoyed the times we played rugby together. Always a mutual friend whenever
In the last two weeks, Te Arawa have lost two rangatira and we continue to mourn their passing. Reverend Te Napi Tutewehiwehi Waaka
Whatever happened to democracy? Why can we not give Donald Trump a chance to prove his worth? I was disappointed with the result
Street view: Do you think a mountain bike patrol in the forest is a good idea? 171116sj01.JPG I don't think so, anyone going mountain
In her November 11 letter Deidre Barnett suggests the 120 Koutu residents objecting to a proposed hotel in their suburb landscape
Like a lot of people in Rotorua, we were woken by the earthquake that seemed to go on forever. No damage thankfully but it makes me
Street View: Do you use contactless credit or debit cards? 161116bf1.JPG Yes. I do. It's easier, you don't have to type your numbers
It's a real shame. Don't worry, this is not another Trump opinion piece - if you're anything like me you have seen, read and heard
I am getting over the hand-wringing and whining from media people giving air to Western democracy's electorates not delivering their
A TIME TO GIVE: Salvation Army corps officer Kylie Overbye urges the community to give at this time of year. PHOTO/STEPHEN PARKER
I strongly oppose the proposed $5 million Rotorua Airport revamp. We upgraded the airport five years ago and it is still very much
Street view: Did you feel the earthquake? 141116sj01.JPG We think we did, the windows rattled a little bit. GRACE MORGAN, 65 Kawaha
Street View - Do you think Donald Trump will be a good president? * 131116paulDP.JPG I don't think he will be. He's too involved
What Americans have seen for decades is an elite system where a few have hijacked a political system which had convinced the masses
In an attempt to shake the feeling of consternation as the reality of a Trump presidency sunk in, I browsed through local political
It's that time of year again - the Christmas decorations are starting to sneak into the shops and the festive season will soon be
The speed limit on some New Zealand roads looks set to go up. Associate Transport Minister Craig Foss yesterday released a new "speed
We asked people at Rotorua Airport: What do you like about Rotorua Airport and what changes would you like to see? 101116bf11.JPG It's
Street View: Do you Know what Armistice Day is? What does it mean to you? I have heard of the word but I don't know. WILLIAM SKIPWITH
091116bf5.JPG Yes I do. I don't have one yet, but I will get one. $44 million is quite a bit. I think I'd spent it wisely. Good luck
Street View: Are you following the US election? How do you think it will impact us in Rotorua? I do when I'm watching the news
We asked some of those being made official New Zealand citizens at today's ceremony: What made you want to live in Rotorua? I love
I am amazed that Andrew Little is offering to spend $60 million a year to provide work for unemployed young people when the same scheme
Street view: What's the best way to get unemployed youth into jobs? 071116sp6.JPG Make it enticing and payable. JOHN CHADWICK, 71 Kawaha
The time has come, unfortunately, when we have to consider very carefully if selling fireworks to individuals is the right thing to
So the All Blacks' record winning streak is over. We're not all that used to the All Blacks losing, especially to teams from the
As the MP for Waiariki, a co-leader of the Maori Party and a Minister, I am privileged that I have opportunities in Parliament to
Good things take time, and while Rotorua's new rubbish system has encountered some "glitches and issues" last week I believe one week
Last week the unemployment rate fell to 4.9 per cent, the lowest level since the Global Financial Crisis in 2008. By comparison to
COMMENT: Reducing a woman you've never met to her physicality is not a compliment; it's weird and inappropriate.