Latest fromRDP - Opinion
Opinion: Keep teaching teens about contraception
Opinion: No one can say with certainty what's behind the halving of the teen birth rate.
Street view: Do you think Rotorua will benefit from a 5 star hotel?
We asked people on the street what they think of the proposed new hotel.
Street View: Should children be able to ride bikes on the footpath?
Street View - Should school children be able to ride bikes on the footpath?
Letters: No to metered water
Readers share views on a suggestion to install water meters - plus pellet burners.
Opinion: Surprises unlikely in budget
Opinion: I wonder why the Minister of Finance bothers to formally present Budget 2017.
Opinion: Winter offers many benefits creatively
Marc Spijkerbosch discusses the benefits of winter for art.
Letters: Te reo the best gift we can give children
A reader says te reo is the best gift we can give.
Rachel Stewart: How to tarnish tourism glow
COMMENT: Quantity over quality will turn round to bite tourism industry.
Street View: Do you own your own home?
We spoke to people on the street about why they do or don't own a home
Letters: Pedestrians and vehicles not a good mix
Council budgets, fruit and the Maori language are topics for our letter writers today.
Letters: Where will these new homes be built?
Housing is still a hot topic for our letter writers.
Street view: Are you doing anything for Mother's Day?
We asked people on the street what they were doing for Mother's Day.
Latest drug scandal in NZ sport sport embarrassing
I'm embarrassed by the latest drug scandal in NZ male sport.
Review: Go into the woods for one fine performance
John Paul College's production Into The Woods gets reviewed by writer Jill Nicholas.
Letters: Skatepark plan to do it once, do it right
Readers share views on the skatepark, eastside traffic and pronunciation of te reo Maori.
Opinion: Find a job you love and you'll never work a day
Paul Hickey discusses hot topics this week.
Opinion: The power of music
COMMENT: Marc Spijkerbosch discusses the power of music.
Letters: Clean up Hinemoa St toilets
A reader is not happy with the state of the Hinemoa St public toilets.
Rotorua tourism operators on funding
Rotorua tourism operators on tourism infrastructure funding announcement.
Street View: Do you think 4 is too young to start school?
We asked people how they feel about the proposal for some kids to start school at 4.
Letters: Skatepark family-friendly and runs smoothly
A skatepark user gives his view on a proposed $2.1 million upgrade.
Letters: Take a bow, Rotorua Marathon
A visitor says Rotorua Marathon is the best marathon in the world.
Street View: Are you looking forward to the Lions tour?
We asked people on the street if they were looking forward to the Lions tour of NZ.
Fighting until cows come home
COMMENT: Dairy farmers and industry mouthpieces love to say they are environmental angels.
Street View: What should the Government spend money on in this year's Budget?
Locals tell us what the Government should spend money on in this year's Budget.
Get ready, the Lions fans are coming
Opinion: Rugby match a chance to send 21,000 people home with great memories of Rotorua.
Letters: Poor pronunciation of English a problem, too
A reader says poor pronunciation of te reo Maori is not as bad as butchering English.
Opinion: Marathon finish line a sight to behold
Rotorua Marathon finish line is a sight to behold.