Rachel Stewart: Why Judith Collins deserves a chance to be PM
COMMENT: JuCo is a deeply maligned politician.
COMMENT: JuCo is a deeply maligned politician.
Budget 2019 was not a BS Budget.
Comment: When will Government change their emphasis on solving the biggest crisis of all.
COMMENT: Govt cronies hate dissent and are eyeing speech laws.
Reporter numbers in regions have fallen by 28 per cent in the last three to five years.
A Capital Gains Tax equals a fairer system of taxation, Raukawa-Tait argues.
COMMENT: The environmental movement, like every other movement, is changing dramatically.
COMMENT: This isn't really a column about my dead cat, though it might appear that way.
Who would want to be a young person embarking on adult life these days?
Comment: A quiet revolution is underway in the Mongrel Mob.
Merepeka Raukawa-Tait: No one should have been surprised by our Prime Minister last week.
COMMENT: Whatever Govt decides, I am fully prepared to relinquish my semi-automatics.
COMMENT: Simon Bridges was subdued and he looked shocked as he talked to journalists.
COMMENT: As a life-long Jackson fan, it took the horrors of this doco to wake me up.
COMMENT: I don't believe you can rewrite history. It's already made.
Comment: It might help temper Shane Jones' ego if Air NZ stopped granting his every wish.
COMMENT: Peterson is bringing the degradation of public discourse into sharp relief.
COMMENT: This years pride feels like a bandaid trying to staunch the bleeding..
National ruling out NZ First would be akin to dumping a lover before they could dump you.
COMMENT: I am rebranding as the only columnist any rational person will ever want.
COMMENT: Rachel Stewart looks back on 2018.
COMMENT: All human beings deserve human rights and respect.
Rotorua residents share their opinion on a begging ban in the city.
COMMENT: Shane Jones has to take himself a lot more seriously if he expects others to.
The royal commission into state care will be wide-ranging and important.
COMMENT: Today's 'feminists' generally leave me underwhelmed.
COMMENT: Rise of Brazil's Bolsonaro next step in far-right's troubling march.
COMMENT: Looking at happy faces, spending taxpayers' money was last thing on their minds.
Merepeka Raukawa-Tait: What can we learn from the Jami-Lee Ross saga.
COMMENT: New stadium plan must be paid for privately or it's going underwater too.