Letters: No consultation on Russell wharf angers locals
The Russell wharf is being taken from the community without consultation, says a reader.
The Russell wharf is being taken from the community without consultation, says a reader.
Kumara growers say this is the worst season ever for getting workers to harvest the crop.
Overcoming our appalling usage of illicit drugs is not impossible, says Peter Jackson.
We have a right to be proud of these men who went to war, says a reader.
Ngai Takoto were not given the chance to fight the mining of Kaimaumau for kauri resin.
Shane Jones sees himself as a champion for the regions, says Peter Jackson.
Federated Farmer's Katie Milne is calling to keep the Rural Health Alliance going.
Jacinda Ardern has baulked, proving to be hopeless, inept and ineffective, says a reader.
Israel Folau has suffered more contempt and aversion than he deserves, says Peter Jackson.
It would be wrong to deport Mark Middleton, says Sensible Sentencing Trust's Jess McVicar.
Public safety is worth the effort to drive safely, says a reader.
It would be a shame if the Games were to be consigned to history, says Peter Jackson.
The new Kaitaia community centre is a blessing for the youth of the area, says a reader.
There is no need for playing the 'racism card', says a reader.
Better communication could have saved the SPCA from social media outrage.
Nearly all the numerous poisons used by agriculture here are neuro-toxic, says a reader.
Hone Harawira is disgusted about the way a woman was treated by the Waikato DHB.
Climate change controls are likely to levy large costs to homeowners across NZ.
Excessive bureaucracy cans Opua School Regatta - where's Shane Jones when you need him?
Many colonists came to NZ to better their positions and shaped our nation, says a reader.
There are many other roading projects that could use $50 million, says Cr Felicity Foy.
It's galling to see people patting themselves on the back after Census failure to deliver.
Census excludes people without computers or post boxes, says a reader.
This census may well be an expensive cock-up says a reader.
Angling advocates are vocal about the need to maintain water quality, says Andrew McGiven.
Kids are encouraged to think for themselves more these days in schools.
Northland has been victim of government neglect, says Winston Peters.
Plans to develop basketball courts in Ahipara are being met by dismay by one reader.
Lake Omapere's depth reduction was one of many mistakes made in ignorance, says a reader.
This years census shows all the hallmarks of being a shambles, says Peter Jackson.