'Honoured' Carter vows it's his last term
Initial results show John Carter on 5018 votes with former deputy Tania McInnes on 3223.
Initial results show John Carter on 5018 votes with former deputy Tania McInnes on 3223.
Voters opt for status quo but with many last-minute votes final results remain uncertain.
The Northland's women's team will play either Otago or Hawke's Bay in a semifinal.
Northland elections: All three mayors returned.
ELECTIONS: Northland Regional Council has four new representatives.
Northland Regional Council elections are run on the First Past the Post (FPP) system.
Billboards of transgender Okara Ward candidate have been tagged.
After many doors have been slammed and feet stomped, I have ended my tantrum and given in.
One dead after van hits bank and rolls, throwing driver from vehicle.
It is believed the fire started in a ceiling cavity of a second floor room.
Organisers report plenty of interest coming from the other side of the Tasman.
De Ridder girls are Northland's young gardeners of the year
A year after only one invasive fanworm was found in Ōpua Marina, a search finds 1013
The win is just the latest in a line of good results for Riley-Jack Vette-Blomquist.
Police officer found to have used unreasonable and excessive force in the circumstances.
The Northland women's one to five year team did well to finish first in their division.
The fire appeared to start in the right hand side of the building on the second floor.
Reasons for long-time chairman's sudden exit are unclear.
Sport Northland chief executive Brent Eastwood asks what is needed for team success?
Will we see a Northlander win a gold medal when the competition comes north next year?
The Kauri Museum in Kaipara receives 162 artefacts from Auckland Museum
A weekly round-up of news, events and oddities from the Bay of Islands and Mid North.
About 150 players turned out for a great day of basketball fun at ASB Stadium.
We asked: What is the biggest issue facing the Far North, and what would you do to fix it?
An unwaged man with mental illness and a dairy farmer speak out about Northland suicide
Find out what Northland's Arriane Christie thought of the All Blacks against Namibia.