Centre singles/triples well-contested
Dennis Brewster took out his fourth centre title while Sue Wightman's won her 16th.
Dennis Brewster took out his fourth centre title while Sue Wightman's won her 16th.
Colin Sheenan gives up spare time to volunteer at Whangarei's North Haven Hospice shops.
The show is on at Forum North this month.
There's nothing like the pain of losing to make you more determined next time.
One waka to take a detour this morning to deliver a Tahitian mauri stone to Waikare Marae.
The Rātana Church was founded 101 years ago today.
Pou marks site on Moturua Island of one of NZ's oldest known human settlements.
Previously sponsored by the Northern Advocate, Kensington Stadium will lose its ASB title.
A 41-year-old man has been charged with dangerous driving causing death.
One waka completed by the son of its Tahitian carver, 27 years after his untimely death.
Fire chief hopes a fire ban will be introduced "soon rather than later".
A legal challenge sought to unseat newly-elected Northland regional councillors.
A weekly round-up of news, events and oddities from the Bay of Islands and Mid North.
Lew Lathrope may be 90-years-old but he's still volunteering in Mangawhai
Bert Horner, 52, will be fulfilling his childhood dream of playing for NZ in March.
The kids would have needed a lot of water on what was a stunning day in Northland.
New fire fighting training technology provides scenarios just like the real thing.
Humidity set to get worse this week before forecast rain this weekend in Northland.
Tree attack has taken a piece of family history and left property owners with bills.
The accident, involving a truck and a four-wheel drive, occurred just before 3pm.
Barge Park was almost at capacity over the weekend as riders from all over competed.
Westlake and Holst were the stars of the show, taking home two major awards apiece.
The private use of fireworks is not likely to be banned in the near future.
With the eight-wicket win, Maungakaramea move to second on the Lion Red Cup table.
Photographer Michael Cunningham captured these images.
The flotilla has been in Whangārei since Thursday.
Being a police dog handler is not a job for the faint hearted.
Pair spotted on cliff face in the Bay of Islands after their boat smashed against rocks.
Could we be seeing an enduro star in the making in Pakotai's Josh Alexander?
The painting shows injured Ngāpuhi warrior chief Hongi Hika sitting where the wall is now.