Northland news snippets: NorthTec open day and $5k reward for tractor's return
Catch up on what's happening around the region.
Catch up on what's happening around the region.
No significant rainfall expected in next 7-10 days, Niwa says.
The specialist heavy vehicle group were called and are continuing to investigate.
The last black marlin that size caught in the Bay of Islands area was over a decade ago.
Looking for something to do in Northland this weekend?
Mid Northern Jackpot still a competition the public are welcome to come and watch.
The centre is the only Montessori school in Northland.
Load logging truck rolls wile trailer remains upright.
Northland's bowlers flew their flag proudly against some of New Zealand's finest players.
The 45th Tall Ships and Classic Invitational Race is expected to draw 80-plus entrants.
Boaties need to stay 50m from orca and pilot whales, 200m from any mother and calf.
Contractors from Treescape continued their work on Thursday night.
Robyn McPhail has led the Kaeo-Kerikeri Union Church for 15 years.
Region's water storage potential explored on tour across Far North.
Babyboy Roddy Shortland was born at 12.42am on New Year's Day at Whangārei Hospital.
Workers started dismantling the East African mahogany after business hours last night.
Extreme fire conditions faced by Northland firefighters battling unpredictable blazes
Far North residents can expect more power cuts if Top Energy can't operate its generators.
"The district's ready to burn and we want to make sure it doesn't"
Woman airlifted to hospital after Kerikeri crash with campervan.
Despite catching a 203.6kg blue marlin, Oliver Avery's catch didn't win the tournament.
Former DHB renal driver speaks out about poor management and rogue drivers.
Railway trust says 'unique' steam and cycle tourism project would benefit region.
There were 126 fatal and serious crashes in Northland in 2019, including 29 fatalities.
Orange sky in Northland caused by Australian bushfires
Baylys Beach Community Trust hopes constructions will be complete by April.
Snorkelling at Whangārei's Reotahi Marine Reserve.
Summer Festival at Ruakākā Races turns on the sun.