Former Te Runanga-a-iwi o Ngāpuhi leader Sonny Tau charged with indecent assault
Former Te Runanga-a-iwi o Ngāpuhi Chair Raniera "Sonny" Tau facing indecent assault charge
Former Te Runanga-a-iwi o Ngāpuhi Chair Raniera "Sonny" Tau facing indecent assault charge
The Port Rd bridge should improve traffic flow and offer a safe walking and cycling link.
Northland's Corrections facility has one of the lowest rates of assault nationwide.
The new facility will be 'three times better' and one of NZ's best, the designer says.
The farmers mustering the pregnant cows believed the mountain bikers were from Whangārei.
Colleagues in running for industry awards.
CEO of Bowls New Zealand, Mark Cameron visiting Northland
Facebook posts about crime in Whangārei drove two bouncers to take action of their own.
Guns need to be stored securely - every time, say Northland police.
Hatea Loop walkers may face a longer wait for a lifesaving AED after one was stolen
Whangārei Hospital's Tumanako Mental Health Unit gets light from new mural.
Bookworms delighted at finding books hidden around the city.
Mayor, council considering how to celebrate Woodman, Tuke's successes in Tokyo.
Police scotch rumours of gang involvement or links to incident at school ball.
Kamo Intermediate School third at Showquest Nationals this year.
Workers from Covid-free Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu to ease orchard labour shortage.
Driver left shaken after crash; Blair Tuke wins Silver; Toxic slugs found.
800 native trees planted in Whangārei wetland
NorthTec farewelled 40 new nurses; many to join workforce right away.
Not only are we keeping the virus away but our economy is thriving, says Emily Henderson.
Whangārei 's Zonta Great New Zealand Book Fair attracts thousands
Aggravated robberies in Whangārei declined over the last five years, reveals Police data.
Students hid under desks for 30 minutes; staff praised for stepping in to stop fight.
With overseas tourists shut out, business switched to free dolphin cruises for local kids
Portia Woodman is amongst eight Northlanders who are part of the NZ Olympic team.
Consortium wants to buy Whangārei's iconic Almond Court flats
High tide and large swells stopped rescuers on the ground from being able to help the man.
The lockdown was lifted and students evacuated to a sports field around 12.05pm.
South African woman lucky to reunite with Whangārei-based husband after 17 months.