Latest fromWC - Opinion

Let's talk law: Consumer protection – real estate agents
There are three levels of licence - a sales person, an agent and a branch manager

Comment: Setbacks present opportunities to regroup, rebuild
Business Zen: Russell Bell laments the All Blacks loss.

Comment: Don't fret about the ABs... it was just fake news
Did the All Blacks really lose to England? Or was it fake news?

Kevin Page: Labour Weekend chores never end
Kevin Page puts his foot in it over Labour Weekend.

Roger Moroney: Spooky time for tricky sweets
Can the spooky little wanderers teach us a trick or two?

Comment: Why our elections don't reflect society
How can we get more minorities into elected positions?

Frank Greenall: Hooked on pantomime of NZ politics
Are our politicians in fantasy land? And will there be a fairytale ending to it all?

Rob Rattenbury: Four great New Zealanders who saved Maori
Do you know, as a country, how close we came to losing Maori as a race and as a culture?

Kevin Page: Kitted out for the great outdoors
Kevin Page discovers it's important to dress correctly when food is involved.

Our car habit accelerating
She's only three, but already a Whanganui youngester is totally reliant on having a car.

Letters: Welcome aboard our monochrome council
Your letters to the Whanganui Chronicle

Letters: Arty answers for demolished Thain's building
Your letters to the Whanganui Chronicle

Should we sell our water?
Is Whanganui wise to sell its water, or is it a resource we should be exploiting?

Ian McKelvie: Didn't vote? Don't complain
I believe the right to vote is a privilege that should not be wasted.

Raising rents without improvements is 'extortion'
Letters to the Whanganui Chronicle

Overwhelmed by climate change? Be inspired by Greta Thunberg
The bigger the problem, the more entropy accumulates with pressure to do nothing.

Kevin Page: The joys of being a grandparent
Kevin Page makes the most of a golden hour with his granddaughter.

How Whanganui is defying the doubters
September alone saw crucial investments into our local young people, history and schools.

Museum Notebook: Wetas, just don't get them angry
Weta, a truly unique native - just don't get them angry.

Major restoration begins soon in Sarjeant
Plenty of work happening behind the scenes at the Sarjeant Gallery.

Terry Sarten: Sauce for the goose not always sauce for the gander
Boris Johnson gets away with so much while brazenly blaming others for his own failures.

Letters: Sincere thanks to our cheerful firefighters
Letters to the Whanganui Chronicle

Conservation Comment: Fireworks at Petroleum Conference protest
This year's Petroleum Conference was held in secret ... why?