Letters: Thankful to live in NZ, mobility parking issue
Your letters: As one who is an "agedly high risk", I am thankful that I live here.
Your letters: As one who is an "agedly high risk", I am thankful that I live here.
Having the right equipment is crucial to any business undertaking.
You'll never guess what the note on the front entrance to the bank said...
More than 30 businesses have signed up to the $500 club to support the games.
End of life debate, abortion laws and Trump.
COMMENT: The abortion debate finds its way back to the political chambers.
National is in a pickle with a long list of members leaving politics or being booted out .
Comment: Cannabis is damaging to young brains and linked to lower incomes later in life.
Rucking as we knew it has effectively disappeared from the game.
Two discredited organisations and a country are trying to dictate to New Zealand.
NZ will look back at the 2020 election as one when the electoral tectonic plates moved.
Your letters: Appalled at proposal to phase out rubbish bags.
COMMENT: The contagion seems to have spread rapidly.
The words were out of my mouth and I'd hung up before I fully realised what I'd said.
Comment: Cannabis causes less harm than alcohol in nine of 13 medical outcomes.
Wealth tax - those most affected would be the super-rich.
Comment: Reading just as important in today's world for developing children.
Have we really become a town of Covid- deniers? It seems so.
Our mokopuna are threatened with having a multibillion-dollar debt burden dumped on them.
Only Cabinet can select and reject our Prime Minister.
When the reality became obvious she was ready. And I think we were ready too.
No minor party candidates can possibly win the Whanganui seat.
Kevin Page raced down to the checkouts and there, right in front of him he saw the thief.
Your letters: Keep electioneering out of Covid management.
Caricaturists are sharpening their pencils to take down their prey one quip at a time.
Rod Rattenbury: The British royal family has only been really British for about 400 years.
It now seems vast sums of money are spent on "greenie touchy-feely stuff".
Fred Frederikse: In a rented Holden we explored Victoria.