Latest fromWC - Opinion

Things are looking up at least for Wanganui
Central government has taken a fair amount of stick over the loss of services and jobs in struggling provinces such as Wanganui - and rightly so.

Take a break if you want a cool head
Someone once said the most important thing in business is to keep a cool head.

Christmas about whanau
It is only six weeks until Christmas Day and the pressure on many of our families to spend money they do not have has started to build already.

Change the law and safeguard the children
When those two blowhards John Tamihere and Willie Jackson weighed in on the Roast Busters, they might have anticipated a little angry denunciation at their typical antics, but I doubt they expected this call for their heads.

The best show in town
This week Kate Stewart is Thinking Out Loud about the nation's political circus, particularly the re-appearance of Labour's lady quota.

Fireworks rules are absolutely crackers
Kelly Makiha provides Another View on the tradition of fireworks on Guy Fawkes Day.

No victors in the battle between commerce and community
Terry Sarten looks at how Wanganui can learn from the experience of the historic German town of Villingen in this week's Tel's Tales.

Peddling a more relaxed lifestyle
Nicola Young takes a look at the daily commute in this week's edition of The Glass Half Full.

India succumbs to Curse of Mars
The curse of Mars also applies to Asian countries.

Legal highs ominous for future communities
This week in Whanganui concerned residents attended a meeting on synthetic cannabis and legal highs and students in Palmerston North protested against the sale of legal highs.

Labour insurance no assurance for NZ
They reckon if you stay in one place long enough the whole world will pass you by and so it is with Labour.

Niche manufacturing a way to build our future
We can justly celebrate the positive attributes of our city as the signs of the coming summer lighten hearts and diminish the need for outer cover.

Bishops antics source of fun but Big Man strangely silent
Recently , to much mirth Wellington's new Anglican bishop despoiled his lovely cathedral's entrance by residing there in a wooden crate mocked up as a prison cell for a week's baying at the sky.

Lasting beauty a feat of engineering
I'm not much given to wearing bling. A Seiko watch, wedding ring, and Warehouse glasses don't really count.