Secret Diary of Bill 'Chicken' English
COMMENT: I said, "Before we begin, has anyone seen Todd?" No one had.
COMMENT: I said, "Before we begin, has anyone seen Todd?" No one had.
Unsung heroes of the storm, Our built heritage, Civilisation, and Media misbehaviour.
One day Trump's tax returns will probably be leaked, which could be the final blow.
A 48-turbine wind farm is an important step towards a clean energy future.
The Dr Strangelove grinch is alive, well, and the real enemy, not some tin-pot dictator.
Readers discuss: Autism and brain injury, evolution of eyes, houses at risk.
We'll pay the rates and council charges but will lose our say on how the money is spent.
Another mystery man has emerged for the 2017 election
In war, the result of overwhelming victory is a precursor to disaster for the victor.
Mainstreet is missing a golden opportunity to improve economic development in Whanganui.
Government intervention may be needed to wean shoppers off disposable plastic bags
GST on food, the exclusive nukes club, stopbanks and managed retreat.
Modern life is just too clean -- kids who play in the dirt tend to be healthier.
Give ferry plan a chance; Salute the Lions; Honour of the SAS.
What of the future? Who will pay to continue conserving Bushy Park, and why?
Maybe one day we will pay ratepayers a dividend, instead of mailing them a bill.
I met our Whanganui representatives on the Horizons Regional Council this week.
"Missing million", Lions victory (rugby was the winner); Spooky talk; Independence day.
North Korea will get its nuclear deterrent in the end, and we'll learn to live with it.
The All Blacks v the Lions -- history puts perspective on what is 'just a game'
Castlecliff ferry hopes; Germans and tax; Maori in prison; Christians and abortion.
Lessons learned recently in other parts of the world had not been picked up in Britain.
It's okay to be incredibly stupid on drugs -- just not "soft" on them.
Kim Jong Un probably feels he's got a good chance of winning if it comes to war.
I'm expecting that the chamber will build on offering its members access to expertise.
Readers write about: Anzac Parade stopbanks, the Moutoa Monument and God's chosen people.
Qatar will pay a price for rejecting the Saudi demands, but Qatar is rich enough to pay.
Uncomfortable questions about the SAS in Afghanistan need to be addressed.