Latest fromWC - Opinion

Your views: Readers' letters
A public menace. Is Trump like LBJ? Plastic bags and worse. Climate science.

Opinion: Put environment first
We need to protect a representative sample of all our habitats before it is too late.

Fred Frederikse: Major parties fail the poor
Jacinda Ardern or not, don't expect Labour to take on "fringe economics" like the UBI.

Editorial: City College show leadership in te reo
The time for compulsory te reo Māori has come

Your views: Readers' letters
Dr Sir John Key; 'Keep FPP' plea; Words we've never heard of; Cruelty to animals.

Keeping it real is vital policy
Forget climate change and wealth inequality; the war on truth is humanity's gravest threat

Kate Stewart: Shellshocked by those deadly eggs
Run for cover -- unexploded egg in the pantry

Terry Sarten: Looking out to improve what's within
A reflection on who we are ... and where we might go

Editorial: Should Nicola Patrick withdraw from the election?
Chronicle's new election poll

Opinion: Tide may be turning in favour of STV
Under First-Past-The-Post, your last tick is as valuable as your first. That isn't right.

Life imitates art in nuke threat exchange
Major nuclear powers China and Russia border on North Korea, and neither loves the US.

Your views: Readers' letters
New bridge at last; Animal welfare standards; Air Chathams experience; Little mistakes

Like a knife through plasticine
If Andrew Little resembles Wallace (of Gromit fame), Jacinda Ardern is more like JFK.

Editorial: Pressure on EPA to say 'Yes'
Expect a 'Yes' verdict for company's bid to mine ironsand off the South Taranaki coast

Quality and speed can't be compromised
Reliable quality delivered with speed rules in the marketplace.

Editorial: In a parallel universe ...
In a parallel universe the election campaign is heating up ...

Opinion: Zealots in NZ stifle free thinking
I will make up my own mind, based on logic and independent thought.

Opinion: Dangerous bill must be defeated
Parliament does not have authority to legislate to empower the strong to kill the weak.

Your views: Readers' letters
"Linking euthanasia to suicide by people not in a terminal situation is grandstanding."

Fred Frederikse: Push for a vote on Papua
A group of NZ MPs called for an internationally supervised self-determination vote in PNG.

Your views: Readers' letters
Air Chathams; Voluntary euthanasia; Fortified flats; Global warming.

Felling warning to tree lovers
Beware of the Property Laws Act; your tree's roots may damage your neighbour's property.

Readers' views: Get it off your chest
Turei, MMP, Maori claims, the Bible ... letters to the editor

Kate Stewart: Deadly drug needs a new name
'Synthetic cannabis' the wrong name for deadly drug

Terry Sarten: The future ... where are the flying cars?
A look at the day after the election

Editorial: The big questions in a week of politics
A week of BIG questions in politics

Rachel Rose: Whanganui's real estate rock star
How Whanganui's real estate rock star shook up the property business