Plan devised for future of NZ’s oldest provincial theatre
There have been inquiries about hosting birthday parties and weddings in the theatre.
There have been inquiries about hosting birthday parties and weddings in the theatre.
'We just need the weather to dry things out a bit and then we’ll be into the sealing.'
'This piece of justice will re-energise and boost all the peoples in this area.'
The tribes' areas of interest include the middle reaches of the Whanganui River.
The last time Laurie Weller had taken a shovel to the ground near Tūroa was 1960
Elijah Pue is determined to return to the political arena serve his people.
The council says the new rules make tourism more sustainable.
State Highway 1 will be the alternate route on July 4-5 when SH4 closes.
Tamahaki, Tamakana and Uenuku will formally sign the Deed of Settlement on July 29.
Horizons staff working to establish whether a colony of wallabies has set up home
Ruapehu's bright stars have been called home for Puanga, to celebrate and reflect.
Helen Leahy, Pou Ārahi of Nga Waihua o Paerangi, writes about investing in whānau.
Frew has been working for half a century for the Ruapehu and Whanganui communities.
The agreement establishes 'a framework for a co-operative and collaborative future'.
Visit Ruapehu's Jo Kennedy on the ups and downs of her Waimarino tourism experience
The Whanganui council has contacted lower-price suppliers in a bid to drive prices down.
Temperatures got as low as 2.2C in Waiouru.
Around 140 people took part in the various races at the event.
Ohakune courthouse remains closed after nine 'key identified risks' were highlighted.
Natural wool has multiple benefits for plants and the environment.
“We will need to break a few eggs along the way and it will take courageous leadership.”
A 5km run and half-marathon have been added alongside the 25km and 50km bike races.
A course for prospective shearers was held ahead of the Waimarino Shears.
Waimarino foodies ready for a wild challenge.
Do speed limits in Ruapehu need to be changed?
The highway between Whanganui and Raetihi remains closed due to slips and fallen trees.
Finalists for the Norwood Rural Sports Awards named
The Waimarino A&P Show is coming with woodchopping and equestrian events.
Ngāti Rangi has awarded funding to 33 whānau support initiatives.
Whanganui is expected to be hit by severe southeast gusts on Tuesday.