Winning strike: NZ Lotto players celebrate $20k windfall
A Hastings player won $20,337 in Lotto's Second Division draw.
A Hastings player won $20,337 in Lotto's Second Division draw.
The Andersens enjoyed a 100% winning rate this past week.
The Kiwi music kings have revealed they're working on their next release in between shows.
An independent study found the 80km/h limit prevented 34 crashes in a year.
She also earned a silver in the W18 long distance, boosting her world ranking.
A Hīkoi of Unity was held near Clive, celebrating local Treaty signings.
Police have released details about a vehicle related to the alleged robbery.
'I'd love to be working; I don't get pure satisfaction sitting here at home doing this.'
On Ruataniwha St, 80% of shops are taking part in the event.
'Good on them for showing up. But there's no place for their business in Pākōwhai.'
Emergency services were called to a crash at a rural Hawke’s Bay workplace.
Sun set to shine on celebrations, where unity and pride will be on show.
'We're not coping, but we've got to hold it together for the rest of our kids.'
Ariki Rigby’s body was found in a car parked near Havelock North in September 2022.
Some vets had worked 60-hour weekends, from Friday evening to Monday morning.
Roy MacLennan and his wife were sitting in their car outside a shop when tragedy struck.
'For those of us just starting out, it feels almost impossible.'
'It’s my funniest show, it’s my most heartfelt show, it’s got a bit of everything.'
'They haven’t thought this through whatsoever.'
Marsha Cashmore waited for days without her family to be sent home to Hawke's Bay.
'If schools want to speak about their school lunches ... they are free to do so.'
Sam Ruthe ran a 4m 1.72s mile at the age of 15 last weekend. He'll run 3000m in Hastings.
Amy Knight wins photo contest with stunning sunrise shot of her fox terrier Frankie.
In a statement released on Friday, police said the brother and sister had been located.
'Flashbacks of what happened come and go all the time.'
'I can’t wait to see the look in their eyes when they walk through the gate.'
For those eager to see it, Hawke’s Bay Holt Planetarium is hosting a Sunday observation.
Locals say the accident involved a girl.
The radiology department will be upgraded, and a new cancer treatment machine added.