Latest fromGisborne

Big plans to improve roading network

Big plans to improve roading network

The Government is pressing on with National’s election commitment to build 15 new four-lane highways, restarting the equally lauded and ridiculed Roads of National Significance programme from its last time in power to do so, and will consider...

ENT service here amazing

ENT service here amazing

Shout out to Gisborne Hospital’s ENT (ear nose and throat) service. Dr Radwan and the nurse Amanda provided an amazing service on Sunday. His attention to detail for an ongoing issue with my son’s ears, his genuine interest and follow-up care...

A steady-as-she-goes February at the port

A steady-as-she-goes February at the port

Eastland Port had a “steady” February shipping-wise. Eight log ships took over 178,000 tonnes of logs out of the region and it was another good cruise ship month with five vessels visiting. Hundreds of passengers and crews explored the region in...

Snorkel day to mark Seaweek
Gisborne Herald

Snorkel day to mark Seaweek

A community snorkel day is being held at Te Tapuwae o Rongokako Marine Reserve on Saturday to celebrate Seaweek. EMR (Experiencing Marine Reserves) coordinators and volunteers will be there to guide people in the water. There will also be the chance...

Newshub wrote own obituary

Newshub wrote own obituary

Blow for democracy be damned. Newshub wrote their own obituary when they, like many others, signed up for Ardern’s funding on the premise that the truth is no longer a requirement for MSM (mainstream media). MSM have been disgraceful in their...

Diamond Cup tradition reignited

Diamond Cup tradition reignited

WATERPOLO The Diamond Cup for water polo went on the line for the first time in 60 years between Tairāwhiti and Hawke’s Bay in the Hawke’s Bay Regional Aquatic Centre at the weekend. “It was awsome to see this tradition reignited,” said...

HOY the dangling carrot for riders

HOY the dangling carrot for riders

Gisborne riders have been competing over the past several months with the aim of qualifying for a start in the Horse of the Year events. Horse of the Year is the pinnacle show for many. It is even more special this year because it hasn’t run since...

Vette 49th-equal at ISA Games

Vette 49th-equal at ISA Games

Gisborne’s Saffi Vette had to settle for a top 50 finish at the ISA World Surfing Games which finished in Puerto Rico over the weekend. Vette was eliminated in repechage 3 of the women’s competition at the event which was also the final...



Monday, February 26 — Sean Shivnan Pharmacy Championship Pairs 1 North/South East/West Carolyn McMurray, Elizabeth Jackson 62.08 Anne Roberts, Raewynne Cook 54.17 Vicki Nickerson, Frank Roach 57.50 Katrine Matthews, Hans van der Kuijl 53.33...

Patches ban: how will gangs respond?

Patches ban: how will gangs respond?

Getting tough on gangs is popular with the public and in the face of escalating gang membership and gang violence, driven in part by an influx of 501 deportees from Australia, National and its coalition partners campaigned on and won a mandate at...

Policies based on beliefs, not reality

Policies based on beliefs, not reality

Bruce Holm Ah, beliefs, aren’t they wonderful things to have — especially as they offer such certainty. If I were to stand at the corner of the Sheepfarmers building in Tokomaru Bay and declare to all and sundry that I am Jesus Christ returned...

Not forcing beliefs on others

Not forcing beliefs on others

Re: Religious protection equal, February 29 letter. I would suggest that you are right. Mr Best’s argument is not that something is being erected, but that it is Buddhists — a group of people who are not, through colonialistic motives, forcing...

Tractors trek into town
Gisborne Herald

Tractors trek into town

The Rotary Foundation annual Tractor Trek headed down the East Coast over the weekend, driving into Gisborne on Sunday. The convoy of vintage and modern tractors started their journey in the Waikato, continuing through Matamata, Rotorua, Ohope...