Latest fromGisborne

Get tough on violent crime

Get tough on violent crime

It's way past time for this Government to get tough on the increasing violent crime in this country. This weekend a dairy worker is once again attacked and loses fingers to a machete-wielding scumbag. Labour seems to be able to change laws pretty...



Come on Jacinda, you visit Turanganui a Kiwa and pay your respects to another iwi that has no mana whenua or mana moana in our rohe. Labour’s Maori caucus should have known better.“Turanga Tangata Rite,Turanga Ararau,Turanga Makaurau,Turang...

Warning over phone charger use
Gisborne Herald

Warning over phone charger use

A GISBORNE mother has sounded a warning after a phone charger malfunctioned and caused a fire in her son's bedroom. The teenager's iPhone SE was charging on a bed in the sleepoout earlier this month.“My son had fallen asleep and was woken by the...

A passion for heritage buildings

A passion for heritage buildings

JAMES Blackburne was an inquisitive child, always wanting to know how things worked.“I used to pull things apart,” says James, whose career in architecture took him in quite the opposite direction.“I got into trouble with my father when I took...

My Heart on The Block

My Heart on The Block

COULD the moody botanical artwork a Gisborne couple hung on their wall in TV reality show The Block have secured a win for Stu Watts and Amy Moore in the TV reality show’s first challenge? We’ll never know — but having been allocated the do-up...

Thrilled with venue but not the result

Thrilled with venue but not the result

CRICKET by Ben O’Brien-LeafBittersweet — the Poverty Bay boys’ junior secondary schools team were thrilled to play their last cricket game of the Northern Districts tournament at Rotorua’s chief ground, Smallbone Park, but disappointed to...

Value of mixing species
Gisborne Herald

Value of mixing species

THE Gisborne-East Coast branch of the New Zealand Farm Forestry Association believes a field day tomorrow will benefit the whole commercial forestry industry when it comes to the right tree in the right place on East Coast steep hill country. The...

Problems with screen use in education

Problems with screen use in education

The Ministry of Education (MoE) has recently published a study showing that computer or tablet-based learning in Year 5 students reduces reading enjoyment, as measured by data from the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study. It also showed...

China’s ‘residential schools’

China’s ‘residential schools’

“Residential schools” were a common feature of European settler societies (except New Zealand) until quite late in the 20th century, and their purpose was not just to educate but to “deracinate” their aboriginal pupils: that is, to cut them...

Council books at half-year stage

Council books at half-year stage

A report to the council’s Finance and Audit committee tomorrow says capital expenditure for the first six months of this financial year was $12.4 million against a budgeted $18m — 69 percent of what was forecast — while a net surplus of $2.8m...

Health experts and NZ politicians right

Health experts and NZ politicians right

There is a salutary lesson for us all in how our country and much of the world has responded to the coronavirus pandemic: that economies will be shut down to protect elderly and other vulnerable citizens from a highly-contagious disease that will...

Turanganui a Kiwa Darts Association results

Turanganui a Kiwa Darts Association results

A GradeIndividual highlights180s: Tahuna Irwin 3, Toby Ratapu (Falcons); Ihaka Kaio-Wynyard 2, Te Kotahi Kaio, Corey Kaio (Young Guns); John White 2 (Tigers); Matty Reedy 2, Junior Akurangi (Done & Dusted).Highest start, men (180): Junior Akurangi...

What's on in Gisborne

What's on in Gisborne

Saturday, August 62016 NZ Concert Band Festival, 9am - 4.30pm, War Memorial Theatre, $5. Gisborne Unity Theatreall-woman production of three short plays, including Towpath, Whether I Fall, and a devised work about women bringing up mokopuna. 3pm...

Govt support for rangatahi
Gisborne Herald

Govt support for rangatahi

Ikaroa-Rawhiti MP Meka Whaitiri says the Government is backing regional New Zealand by continuing to create opportunities for rangatahi to get into employment, education or training. She was speaking after the Government announced the next tranch of...

Cooler and drier November
Gisborne Herald

Cooler and drier November

COOLER, dry conditions dominated November’s weather in the Gisborne region, and the district remains on the edge of drought. Figures from MetService and Niwa (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research) show rainfall was half the 30-year...

Reserve damage foreseeable

Reserve damage foreseeable

For the first time I'm aware, Whataupoko Reserve is closed to all walkers because the council's land clearing has stripped decades of stabilising vegetation. Mud has sloughed down slopes from 7kms of high-density cycle-trails. I would have thought...

Kirkpatrick back on top
Gisborne Herald

Kirkpatrick back on top

MULTIPLE shearing champion John Kirkpatrick has bounced back to winning form after a year off with injury. The 45-year-old Napier gun returned to original home Gisborne territory to win a four-man, 15-sheep open final at the Poverty Bay Show on...