Latest fromGisborne

End in sight
Gisborne Herald

End in sight

A total of $72.1 million of government-funded construction projects in Gisborne should all be completed by the end of the year. Crown Infrastructure Partners (CIP), a Crown-owned company, has funded four projects either fully or partially to the...

Emerging Official award to umpire Trowill

Emerging Official award to umpire Trowill

All the long hours and travel has paid off for Jason Trowill. The Poverty Bay Cricket Association umpires area training officer won Emerging Official of the Year at the Northern Districts Cricket Awards on Saturday night. The script for Trowill’s...

‘Successful and repeatable’
Gisborne Herald

‘Successful and repeatable’

Conservationists believe they are close to defining the ideal formula for re-introducing kiwi to wilderness areas where existing populations have been greatly reduced or eliminated by predators. In February Hawke’s Bay-based Forest Lifeforce...

Vision coming to life
Gisborne Herald

Vision coming to life

The first Ngāti Porou primary school surfing competition was not just about catching waves. It was also about connecting whānau to taiao (the environment) and the moana (ocean) through the shared experience of surfing, organisers say. Ninety...



GISBORNE triathlete Tayler Reid is the ultimate example of taking it one event at a time. Reid’s silver medal in the opening race of the World Triathlon Cup in New Plymouth at the weekend earned him world ranking points that will play a vital part...

Waerenga-o-Kuri Sports results

Waerenga-o-Kuri Sports results

WET conditions led to the venue of the Waerenga-o-Kuri Sports being changed from The Laurels to Showgrounds Park last month. The sports day was held on February 12, just before Cyclone Gabrielle struck the district. Results (competitors from...

Respect, thanks from iwi
Gisborne Herald

Respect, thanks from iwi

IWI leaders from across Tūranganui a Kiwa and Tairāwhiti say they were shocked by the news of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s resignation but understand her reasons. Te Runanga o Turanganui a Kiwa chair Pene Brown said the iwi of Turanganui...

Gisborne Herald


TAIRĀWHITI Museum staff are helping to protect taonga from damage as whānau of cyclone-stricken Te Karaka marae Takipu and others around the region continue their recovery efforts. Takipu Marae whānau were devastated to find the marae had been...

Gisborne Herald


AN East Coast marae badly flooded during Cyclone Gabrielle is looking at ways of making sure it never happens again. Puketawai Marae trustee Victor Walker remembers dropping to his knees at the sight of the marae — located just north of Uaw...

Gisborne Herald


Iwi-led events are making sure people around the rohe complete their 2023 Census forms. The big count for New Zealand, giving a snapshot of life, people and communities, was meant to have been done by Tuesday, March 7. But late in February the...

Whare Awhina
Gisborne Herald

Whare Awhina

TOITŪ Tairāwhiti Housing has been working hard to provide temporary accommodation for whānau displaced due to damage to whare from Cyclone Gabrielle. Over 200 people from Te Araroa to Wairoa have been displaced from their homes. The hardest hit...

Kura in the carport
Gisborne Herald

Kura in the carport

“I’m just the aunty with all of the jobs.” That’s how teacher Hoana Forrester describes the situation of creating a kura in her carport for ākonga (students) in Tokomaru Akau (Bay) who have been unable to get to their regular schools due to...

Inquiry as a witch hunt

Inquiry as a witch hunt

Friday’s ‘Bashed’ by slash headline shows continuing misinformation and bias by media. The eight-week inquiry is not complete and media are turning this into a witch hunt against the forestry industry. Farmers and the council have been very...

Economics will decide

Economics will decide

Whether the current temporary coastal service continues will be a matter of economics — not wishful thinking. Like many, I would like to see our port thrive, and our roading and traffic problems tackled. However, people should realise that coastal...

Toxic dust blowing about

Toxic dust blowing about

On Saturday morning my wife and I watched from our kitchen window as clouds of toxic dust blew up from Vogel Street straight into our home, washing line and deck. We and our neighbours have been putting up with this for weeks with no action from the...

Off to Stanford for leadership programme

Off to Stanford for leadership programme

A Great opportunity: Ernslaw One harvest and logistics manager Buck Trafford has been accepted into Stanford’s Executive Leadership Development programme. Picture by Rebecca Grunwell Te Karaka’s Buck Trafford is swapping forestry work for some...