Latest fromGisborne

Beach clearing again now futile

Beach clearing again now futile

I sincerely hope the council does not waste any more ratepayer money on clearing wood debris from the town beaches. With winter and more stormy weather on the way, and the very high likelihood of more wood arriving on the beaches, this would be...

Rejigged water plan just as unacceptable

Rejigged water plan just as unacceptable

Re: More local voice in Govt’s new water services plan, April 13 editorial. Whatever way you dress it up, this so called restructuring is really nothing more than a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The most contentious parts of the original plan remain...

Now to explain co-governance

Now to explain co-governance

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins might be about to take on the mantle of explaining what co-governance means to his Government, and the extent to which it wants to see partnership arrangements with iwi/Maori for the management of natural resources and...

Poverty Bay rugby draw

Poverty Bay rugby draw

Premier grade games played at 2.45pm — OBM v HSOB at Oval 2. Referee: Ben Holt. YMP v Waikohu at Barry Park. Referee: Royce Maynard. Pirates v Ngatapa at Oval 1. Referee: Damien MacPherson. Senior 1 — Uawa v YMP at Tolaga Bay at 12.45pm...

Students shine at waka ama nationals

Students shine at waka ama nationals

Tairāwhiti paddlers drew on reserves built by years of training to shine at the secondary school waka ama nationals in Rotorua last month. Cyclone Gabrielle scuttled well-laid plans for final preparations, and coaches had to be inventive to keep...

Maize harvest slow-going so far
Gisborne Herald

Maize harvest slow-going so far

The grain maize harvest has started and early indications are better-than-expected yields despite the impact of cyclones Hale and Gabrielle. Some maize paddocks in parts of the region were hard hit by silt and slash as a result of floodwaters from...

Shipping flat out at the port
Gisborne Herald

Shipping flat out at the port

BUSY BAY: The build-up of ships at anchor in Tūranganui-a-Kiwa Poverty Bay since before Easter has continued, with five log ships out there this morning, including these four. They are among a dozen scheduled to call here to the end of April, along...

Golf roundup

Golf roundup

Electrinet Park To Jacko. Electrinet Park pennants players will have the memory of Jack Glassford inspiring them when the 2023 Poverty Bay-East Coast men’s interclub Oligoi and Endeavour pennants series start on Saturday. Jack died on April 5...



THIS WEEK Blackened Metallica Tribute - Harbinger Smash Palace Saturday April 15, 8.30pm, Tickets $15, Door $20, Under 18s free (with a guardian). Midwave Breaks The Dome, May 13, 8pm. COMING UP Mix it Up! Trad dance to live music, Girl Guide Hall...

Questions about one-in-four claim
Gisborne Herald

Questions about one-in-four claim

AT least twice last week television media repeated old and now disputed claims that one in four households in Tairāwhiti are dependent on forestry. The claim, which comes from a study conducted by Waikato University for the Eastland Wood Council 12...

High School Old Boys return

High School Old Boys return

Name from past revived for team aiming to boost culture. Three Gisborne footballers have got together to revive the High School Old Boys team name in the Eastern League. They’re entering the league at the level their predecessors left local...