Latest fromGisborne

What would they know?!

What would they know?!

When you have a panel of five making decisions that affect the community and one of the panel lives in Wellington and three others have a combined total of approx. eight years in our region, what would they know about the history of our district and...

Fanning flames of racism

Fanning flames of racism

Not too long ago wildfires weren’t really a topic of conversation around the dinner table but now those discussions are unavoidable. The thing about wildfires is that they wreak havoc in every which way and are very, very difficult to put out...

Call to fix trouble spots
Gisborne Herald

Call to fix trouble spots

Te Karaka fire chief Jamie Simpson has called on Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency to do something about the road at Nisbett’s Dip which floods every time there’s a fresh in the Waipaoa River. “The flood-prone spot, four kilometres south of Te...

Bridge results

Bridge results

Congratulations this week to Katrine Matthews and Carolyn McMurray for scoring 74.74 percent on Wednesday. Monday, June 19 — No Trumps Pairs 3 (Howell movement) John Rouse, Brent Turnbull 61.90 Carolyn McMurray, Frank Nieuwland 57.74 Patrici...

All go for Premier top-four playoffs

All go for Premier top-four playoffs

The final Saturday of Round 2 in the Poverty Bay Premier club rugby competition, which was called off due to the state of emergency announced on Friday, will not be played. That means the competition standings remain as they are and semifinals of...

Cool, calm Kahu to coach Coast

Cool, calm Kahu to coach Coast

Ngati Porou East Coast have Lochore Cup-winning brains back in 2023. With Hosea Gear as the Sky Blues’ first-ever director of rugby, world secondary school championship-winning coach Kim Harris returning as technical adviser and Kahu Tamatea going...

Rehiring or not, tell us

Rehiring or not, tell us

Newspapers are now frequently featuring articles regarding the desperate plight of our healthcare and hospital services due to understaffing and poor working conditions. Even now, however, neither politicians nor healthcare authorities will say if...



INDOOR BOWLS Poverty Bay-East Coast indoor bowlers continued their impressive run at the New Zealand Indoor Bowls Championships by winning the District Challenge in New Plymouth. Each district was represented by four bowlers and 22 districts started...

Region prepared as rain keeps coming

Region prepared as rain keeps coming

Heavy rain continues to threaten a sodden Tairāwhiti and its rain-weary residents, although the risks from this latest severe weather look to have peaked on Thursday afternoon. Ongoing wet weather developed into a 24-hour deluge from Wednesday...

David against the Goliath

David against the Goliath

In virtually all myths, there’s a reluctant hero who, when faced with a life or death challenge, goes in search of a saviour, only to find in the end that he is the one — that the force to overcome the challenge is within himself, and that he...

Working to save trees
Gisborne Herald

Working to save trees

A planning process is under way to remove some of the silt from around trees in Anzac Park to try to save them from death or serious dieback. Gisborne District Council parks and reserves team is working on a plan to save the affected trees there...