Latest fromGisborne



Alex Reed, Matthew Foster, Dylan Foster and Mike Foster won the biggest fours event on the local calendar — the Robieson Fours — without losing a game . Reed travelled all the way from Auckland to contest the event and team up with the Foster...

Turanganui-a-Kiwa darts results

Turanganui-a-Kiwa darts results

Individual results: 180s: (180) Te Kotahi Kaio (Da Bros) Highest Start: (180) Te Kotahi Kaio (Da Bros) Highest Finish: (124) Tahuna Irwin (Falcons) Most Tons: (18) Thao Duncan (Dartaholicz) Team Results: Dartaholicz 10 Knights 7: T Duncan 139, 137...

Te Wharau do the double at interschool

Te Wharau do the double at interschool

Te Wharau won both the boys’ and girls’ divisions of the 2023 Primary School Interschool Badminton Competition played at the Badminton Centre. A combined Ormond/Te Wharau team were runners-up in the boys’ division and Makauri were runners-up...

From Gisborne Boys’ High to the World

From Gisborne Boys’ High to the World

Wednesday night’s Wellington versus Tasman Ranfurly Shield match won’t go down as a classic, but Gisborne rugby fans may have noticed a former local talent in prop forward Sam Matenga playing for the South Islanders in their failed challenge...

Stars on the turf

Stars on the turf

Team glory eluded them but Lytton Old Boys and YMP A women received the top individual honours at the end-of-season Poverty Bay Hockey Association awards. Maia Rickard of YMP A won the Women’s Player of the Year while Lytton Old Boys Traktion...

China: a message from Russia

China: a message from Russia

Gwynne Dyer The Ukrainians have been cheering themselves up recently by sending drones to hit targets in Moscow’s business district and the more exclusive western suburbs. (The Russians, who bomb Ukrainian cities and kill civilians almost every...

To the brink and back

To the brink and back

Two bankruptcies and three businesses going into receivership were bumps in the road for publisher John Woods but didn’t slow the workaholic and his hedonistic lifestyle . . . a massive stroke 11 years ago gave him pause, but it wasn’t until...

Grab your togs, Kiwa Pools ready

Grab your togs, Kiwa Pools ready

The biggest financial investment in Gisborne for many years, the new $46 million Kiwa Pools facility opened to much aplomb this week. The Gisborne Herald’s Andrew Ashton shares what the public has in store once they finally get to dive in...



Hiking trails criss-cross Europe and the UK, with the Camino de Santiago possibly the most well known. But Robyne Mckeague’s sights were set on the Costa Verde (the green path), on the Atlantic Trail through Portugal. She writes about her...

Soil enrichment

Soil enrichment

Discover the transformative steps to nurture your garden’s foundation and foster robust plant growth through effective soil quality improvement strategies. We spend a lot of time thinking about the edibles or plants we want in our gardens, but the...

Celebrating two success stories

Celebrating two success stories

Two separate events involving the Indian subcontinent, a dramatic rescue in Pakistan and a successful Moon landing by India, took the focus away briefly from growing attention on our coming election. India made history as it landed its Chandrayaan-3...

Looking after hospital doctors, dentists

Looking after hospital doctors, dentists

Pauline E Tangiora It doesn’t seem right that we in Aotearoa do not give much respect to the senior doctors and dentists in our hospitals. Within our United Nations agreement there are three standing issues of human rights that we are signatories...

Teacher training issues

Teacher training issues

As a teacher I can’t help thinking that the reduction in New Zealand students’ achievement levels, in global comparisons, comes down to what happens before teachers teach. Firstly, the current model of user pays means there is no pre-selection...

More than points up for grabs

More than points up for grabs

Confidence is building momentum within the Poverty Bay squad as they look to extend on impressive first-half performances in their opening two Heartland Championship clashes. Civil Project Solutions Poverty Bay Wekas meet Wairarapa Bush in Masterton...

Same hole, same day, same perfect result

Same hole, same day, same perfect result

Gay Young and Carnie Nelson started playing golf at about the same time nearly 25 years ago, so it was a fitting coincidence the pair would achieve career-first perfection on the same day. And they did it on the same hole. Young sank her 9-wood tee...

Tūranga out to make it two for two tomorrow

Tūranga out to make it two for two tomorrow

Fresh from their victorious start to the inaugural North Island Heartland women’s rugby competition, Tūranga Wahine intend to make it successive wins in Gisborne tomorrow. Week 2 of the history-making championship will see Tūranga Wāhine and...

Thistle have role to play in Fed title race

Thistle have role to play in Fed title race

Gisborne Thistle play reluctant kingmakers in the run-in to the end of their Central Federation League football season. On Wednesday night, Palmerston North United beat league leaders Palmerston North Marist 2-1 with a stoppage-time goal that could...

BPW nabs candidates
Gisborne Herald

BPW nabs candidates

Gisborne Business and Professional Women (BPW) is hosting a meet the candidates evening on September 5. Believed to be the first candidates event announced so far for Gisborne, it is designed to allow each of the political candidates to address...

Spring blooming at annual show
Gisborne Herald

Spring blooming at annual show

The Poverty Bay Horticulture Society will be holding their annual Spring Show on Saturday. Camellias, daffodils, floral art and herbs are just some of what will be on show. The society is soon to celebrate its 100th year of spring shows, says Mrs...

Homes wanted for long-haulers
Gisborne Herald

Homes wanted for long-haulers

A national SPCA campaign to find homes for long-stay animals could provide the impetus needed to find homes for two long-stay animals at the Gisborne SPCA Centre. A dog named BB (Big Boy)and a cat named Tom Tom have been at the Gisborne Centre for...

Stunning facility officially opened

Stunning facility officially opened

The impressive Kiwa Pools facility was officially opened yesterday with pre-dawn karakia and later in the morning a ceremony including mana whenua, dignitaries and many of the people involved in the project, as well as about 200 children from...

Bill actually makes case to Keep It 18

Bill actually makes case to Keep It 18

Jason Heale, Maxim Institute The voting age is once again causing a stir. Last week, a new bill was introduced into Parliament that seeks to allow 16-year-olds to vote in local elections. The issue remained dormant for a few months after the Supreme...

Art sale a big success

Art sale a big success

The community art sale held on Saturday, August 19 at the St Andrew's Church hall was a big success and raised $5370 for local charities. A total of 290 art pieces were donated, between paintings, prints, ceramics, weaving and sculpture, and most...