Latest fromGisborne

Where is the integrity?

Where is the integrity?

It’s 250 days since a #newsroom expose on the National Party’s #BarbaraKuriger. Since then, media have mostly been silent and in the meagre one or two articles, have called her only an “embattled” MP. Even knowing about the misuse of her MP...

New limits set for pāua fishers
Gisborne Herald

New limits set for pāua fishers

The daily limit for recreationally caught pāua will reduce to five of each pāua species per fisher to support the sustainability of stocks in the central and lower North Island, and that includes this region. The new rules take effect on September...

Entries steady for Spring Show
Gisborne Herald

Entries steady for Spring Show

Entries have been coming in steadily for the competition sections of the annual Poverty Bay A&P Spring Show in October and so far would be on a par with previous years, according to Show association general manager Erica McNeil. As of Wednesday...



THIS WEEK Free Dance A movement and dance meditation practice with a variety of sound and rhythms. Tonight at St Andrew’s Church Community Centre, 176 Cobden Street, 7pm-8.30pm, $10, bring a water bottle and wear comfy clothes. VIVO! MUSICA Y...

Wowed by Wearable Art

Wowed by Wearable Art

An exhibition of wearable art by Susan Holmes is now on at Tairāwhiti Museum featuring sculptural one-off showpiece garments made for the NZ World of Wearable Art. Award-winning Auckland fabric artist Susan Holmes established a broad repertoire of...

Golf roundup

Golf roundup

Electrinet Park Winning her 21st women’s senior club championship title was the second-best thing to happen to Karen Hay in the space of a few days. Becoming a grandmother for the first time well and truly outdid that. Hay beat Jo Kerr 7 and 6 in...

Comet trials new swimming complex

Comet trials new swimming complex

Comet Swim Club have geared up to start their training at the new Kiwa Pools complex and head coach Glenn Hamblyn said these were exciting times for the club and the district. This weekend marks the opening of the Kiwa Pools to the public. “It’s...

Thanks for the memories

Thanks for the memories

Re: Paper boy remembers, August 26 article. What an interesting, well-written, enjoyable feature from Chris Taewa, retired paper boy. It made me think of in the past, prior to decimal currency, how the paper girls and boys used to call at our home...

To keep improving our lives

To keep improving our lives

Some people seem to have very short memories. Life isn’t perfect for too many but it’s a darned sight better than it ever was under a National and Act government. Do you remember that the minimum wage was only $15.75 an hour in 2017? It’s now...

Woman left in car with broken leg
Gisborne Herald

Woman left in car with broken leg

A car with three adults and a baby on board hit a tree alongside State Highway 2 just south of Te Karaka late on Tuesday night. When fire crews arrived they found an injured woman had been left alone in the vehicle. FENZ crews from Te Karaka and...