Latest fromGisborne

New citizens welcomed
Gisborne Herald

New citizens welcomed

Another 23 New Zealand citizens were officially welcomed this week by Mayor Rehette Stoltz at a ceremony at Gisborne District Council. Pictured with the Mayor are Frank Andrew Bode of Australia, Alfred Alexander Britain and Frances Miriam Watling...

Port ticking along
Gisborne Herald

Port ticking along

Eastand Port had a solid month of shipping in November with 10 log ships taking away 240,000 tonnes of logs. “We’ve already had two log ships in this month, giving us a good headstart, with seven more hopefully before New Year,” a port...

Trowell makes NZ selection

Trowell makes NZ selection

Gisborne’s Nathan Trowell has been selected for the New Zealand indoor bowls team — “the Mat Blacks” — to play Australia at Pukekohe in May next year. Trowell is one of seven new caps in the seven-man/seven-woman team named for the 25th...

PBs, NZ records at German Cup

PBs, NZ records at German Cup

The New Zealand Blacks Fins, captained by Gisborne’s Chris Dawson, had an incredible showing at the International German Cup, breaking eight New Zealand records. The two-day pool rescue competition in Germany last month is an annual event that...

A century apiece for all-rounders

A century apiece for all-rounders

Nothing elevates the level of excitement in a cricket match quite like a duel between all-rounders. Ethan Ngarangione-Pearson’s unbeaten 110 for Breakers Horouta Te Waka and Seb Wilson’s 101 for Gisborne Boys’ High School (2) marked their...

Coalition Govt set to launch into agenda

Coalition Govt set to launch into agenda

After something of a “moving in” weekend, Parliament formally reopens today with the new Government preparing a hectic legislative programme for the rest of the year. The new Cabinet spent last week in what Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has...

Raukumara project a case in point

Raukumara project a case in point

With regard to the Weekender, December 2: In 10 years it will be too late. An excellent article with worthwhile and thoughtful quotes from Dame Anne Salmond, Manu Caddie, Sam Gibson, Rangi Ahipene and Rob Morrison. It’s great that an organisation...

A taonga that has power

A taonga that has power

Re: Magic mushrooms, Dec 2 letter. The Tū Wairua clinical trials using taonga provided by the atua and used by our tipuna are connected to a growing body of international evidence about potential benefits. Our marae whānau are very interested in...

Enriched so many lives

Enriched so many lives

The passing of Norman Maclean, a remarkable man, is such sad news. Norman, you inspired so many people here in Gisborne — as a teacher, an artist, a director, and acting in drama productions mainly for Unity Theatre. Many couples were married by...

True, but lots from forestry

True, but lots from forestry

Re: Not just a forestry problem, December 2 letter. I totally accept Karl’s point that woody debris coming down the rivers is not all from forests; some of it naturally originates from riparian vegetation. But I can assign no blame nor offer any...

Grumpy, OK, not the rest

Grumpy, OK, not the rest

Re maximum age for voting, December 1. Mr Roderick, your hypocrisy is gobsmacking on so many levels. Since 1893 every adult in New Zealand has been able to vote. Now, you’re the one wanting to take us back to (“the good old days”) where...

Yes to indigenous values

Yes to indigenous values

Re: Need to unite, not divide — November 30. I take issue with Clive Bibby’s phrase of “hope that there is less emphasis on ‘indigenous’ values when presenting this message to the world audience” — regarding the serious problems that...