Business news

A steady-as-she-goes February at the port

A steady-as-she-goes February at the port

Eastland Port had a “steady” February shipping-wise. Eight log ships took over 178,000 tonnes of logs out of the region and it was another good cruise ship month with five vessels visiting. Hundreds of passengers and crews explored the region in...

Powering on in a tough year

Powering on in a tough year

2023 has been an exceptionally busy year for the team at the region’s electricity lines company, Firstlight Network. In March, Eastland Network became part of Clarus (formerly Firstgas Group), one of New Zealand’s largest energy groups.

Employment laws changing

Employment laws changing

After 20 days of closed-door talks, the details of the two coalition agreements were revealed on November 25, 2023. The National Party, Act and New Zealand First have formed the new coalition Government and confirmed their 100-day action plan...

Uber Eats in Gisborne now

Uber Eats in Gisborne now

Gisborne is now part of the Uber Eats empire, following the app’s expansion into new markets across regional New Zealand. “New Zealanders have embraced the convenience of accessing an incredible selection of restaurants at their fingertips in...

Time to review your banking arrangements

Time to review your banking arrangements

Alex Cochrane Navigating through challenges posed by high interest rates, severe weather events, the pandemic and market changes can be daunting for our community. Now, more than ever, it is crucial to review your banking arrangements and ensure you...

Business news around NZ

More Gisborne Herald business news

Time to review your banking arrangements

Time to review your banking arrangements

Alex Cochrane Navigating through challenges posed by high interest rates, severe weather events, the pandemic and market changes can be daunting for our community. Now, more than ever, it is crucial to review your banking arrangements and ensure you...

Māori businesses planning for change

Māori businesses planning for change

Māori businesses in Tairāwhiti that work with whenua are looking at ways to do things differently, says BDO Gisborne managing partner Kylee Potae. Ms Potae has a specialist focus in whenua Māori, and a personal passion for strategic planning...

Selling Nissans for 40 years

Selling Nissans for 40 years

A Gisborne car dealership is celebrating 40 years of selling Nissans. Enterprise Nissan is Gisborne’s oldest locally owned new-vehicle franchisee. Business founder Fred Lewis always had a relationship with cars before setting up one of the...

Pultron ‘a local gem’

Pultron ‘a local gem’

A pioneer in the field of pultrusion manufacturing technology, Gisborne-based Pultron Composites Ltd has dedicated over four decades to revolutionising structural materials with composites and last month was recognised as “exporter of the year”...

Seeding entrepreneurship at Tolaga Bay

Seeding entrepreneurship at Tolaga Bay

An inventive “evergreen fund” concept is backing Maori entrepreneurs in the Tolaga Bay area with start-up loans and mentoring. Right now, Tolaga Bay Innovation is seeking eight entrepreneurial individuals with a focus on service businesses, to...