Bay hospitals popular with new doctors
Whakatāne and Rotorua Hospitals preferred place to work for graduating doctors
Whakatāne and Rotorua Hospitals preferred place to work for graduating doctors
The Pink Ribbon appeal is under way Friday and Saturday.
The woman who died in a Kawerau sawmill incident can now be named.
Gull in Taneatua has the cheapest fuel, charging just $2.10 a litre for 91.
The i-SITE has merged with the old cruise ticketing office.
Susan and Terry met for the first time after a chance test told them they were related.
Bay police have issued a warning after a weekend-long traffic blitz.
Growing green pasture with biological matter. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
New raids as national organised crime detectives monitor new players in town's drug trade.
Bay of Plenty dairy farm faces a hefty fine after effluent flowed into a nearby stream
Redmond Eruera Huirua, of Whakatane, fired his shotgun at members of the public twice.
Another 20 were assessed to have minor damage following a tornado.
It's hoped Whakatane girl Alyssa Ledbetter will be home from the US in about two weeks.
Daniel Ramkissoon testified against four officers accused of beating a man in custody.
Rules controlling representation could be broken on the Bay's regional council.
Police would like to speak to occupants of a vehicle that picked up a distressed female.
Reducing road deaths is the aim in Ōpōtiki. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Reducing road deaths is on the minds of Ōpōtiki locals. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
The collision happened just before 8.30am and a person was seriously injured in the crash.
Six gang members are on trial in the High Court at Rotorua.
Police are speaking to a person of interest.
A young child is missing in an incident at Lake Matahina in the Eastern Bay.
Te Puke orchards sold by tender for an undisclosed sum to three iwi companies.
A one-year-old Bay of Plenty boy has been urgently flown to Starship Hospital.
Two Bay of Plenty dairies have been targeted by men with knives trying to rob them.
Sequel to a gang confrontation rolled out yesterday in the High Court in Tauranga.
He called them 'wannabe' gangsters. Now Kodie Waitapu suffers from a life-long injury.
Baywide Premier rugby produces plenty of tries.
Police are still working to formally identify the man and inform next of kin.
A series of earthquakes rocked the Bay of Plenty last night - one with a magnitude of 4.1.